A81-APT | MIRL runway 17/35 preset low intensity SS-SR; to incr intensity activate - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel 24 hours SELF-SERVE. |
A58-35 | +6 ft fence 25 ft 0B; +15 ft road 55 ft 0B. |
A57-35 | Approach slope 14:1 from dthr, 32 ft tree, 450 ft distance, 82 ft R. |
A57-17 | Approach slope 0:1 at dthr, 28 ft trees, 0 ft distance, 112 ft L. |
A42-17 | Displaced threshold only marked on west side of runway. |
A40-17/35 | Non-standard MIRL; only south 3002 ft is lighted. |
A35-17/35 | Restricted to aircraft less than 6500 lbs. |
A33-17/35 | 3002 ft asphalt on S end, 1350 ft turf on N end. |
A110-9 | Noise sensitive areas around airport. |
A110-8 | Residential airpark, vehicles on taxiways. |
A110-4 | Airport closed to tsnt flight training, no tsnt tgl. |
A110-2 | Steep downslope 50 ft east of centerline, south end. |
A110-19 | Due to runway slope, aircraft not visible from opposite end. |
A110-18 | No tsnt prkg area. |
A110-17 | The calm wind runway 17. |
A110-16 | Alpha taxiway 20 ft wide, taxiway to fuel system 18 ft wide. Watch for autos, pedestrians, signs, and trash cans on taxiway. |
A110-15 | For clearance contact regional approach at 972-615-2799. |
A110-14 | For drone operation requests and permission, see airport web side, www.aerocountry.org. |
A110-12 | 50 ft trees 125 ft east of runway centerline from north end of runway to 3050 ft south. |
A110-11 | Runway hold short lines 75 ft from runway centerline. |
A110-10 | Takeoff and landing only on runway. Other areas not maintained for aircraft operations. |
A11 | Owners association. |