E147 | Traffic pattern altitude for large and turbojet aircraft 1527 ft AGL; traffic pattern altitude for light aircraft 1027 ft AGL. |
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed, PAPI runway 22; HIRL runway 04/22; MIRL runway 10/28 operational consly. HIRL runway 04/22; MIRL runway 10/28 preset to low intensity. To incrs intensity and activate REIL runway 22 - CTAF. |
A80 | Airport beacon located on top of control tower |
A75 | Landing fee for all transient aircraft |
A58-28 | 6 ft fence, 195 ft from runway end, 120 ft lt of centerline. |
A58-22 | 6 ft fence, 200 ft from runway end, across centerline. |
A57-28 | Runway 28 approach ratio 28:1 to displaced threshold. |
A57-22 | Approach ratio 6:1 to displaced threshold. |
A57-10 | Runway 10 approach slope 11:1 to displaced threshold. |
A57-04 | Approach ratio 13:1 to displaced threshold. |
A43-22 | Runway 22 PAPI unusable beyond 5 degrees right of centerline due to obstruction. |
A110-8 | Pilots be alert -- the morristown ils and gps runway 23 approaches transit essex co airport class D asp. Traffic passes two mi west of the airport descending thru 2000 ft MSL. |
A110-6 | Fixed wing VFR aircraft departure: runway 28 - fly runway heading for 1 mi then turn crosswind if remaining in the traffic pattern. If departing the traffic pattern, cont on runway heading til readhing traffic pattern altitude. |
A110-5 | Fixed wing VFR aircraft departure: runway 22 - fly runway heading til reaching 900 ft MSL, then turn crosswind if remaining in the traffic pattern. If departing the traffic pattern, cont on runway heading til reaching traffic pattern altitude. |
A110-4 | Fixed wing VFR aircraft departure: runway 10 - fly heading 080 deg at runway departure end. Upon reaching 900 ft MSL, turn crosswind if remaining in the traffic pattern; if departing the traffic pattern, cont on heading 080 deg til reaching traffic pattern altitude. |
A110-3 | Fixed wing VFR aircraft departure: runway 4 - fly runway heading for 1 mi, then turn crosswind if remaining in the traffic pattern. If departing the traffic pattern, cont on runway heading til reaching traffic pattern altitude. |
A110-2 | Tower operations suspended from 2300-0700 mon thru sat 2300 sat until 1000 sunday. |
A110-14 | Eng run-ups on taxiway N at approach end runway 28 shd be conducted to lmt efct to aircraft parked on rn ramp. |
A110-13 | Rotocraft: if psbl, cross the airport bdry at or above 700 ft MSL. |
A110-12 | For clearance when air traffic control tower is closed contact newark approach at 800-645-3206. |
A110-11 | Non-standard traffic patterns for runway 04 prohibited due to noise sensitive area southwest of the airport. |
A110-10 | Deer and birds on and in vicinity of airport. |