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Unknown/Generic Undesignated (46-6062) - Bell X-1
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Unknown/Generic Undesignated (46-6062)


Bell X-1


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This is a Bell x-1
Larry Toler
I knew Bonanzas were pretty fast. Mach 1 fast? I don't think so.
Vaughn Blue Jr
You need to PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD before publishing!!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Yes, I know it's a Bell X-1 which is why I typed that in the comment section. Man, so many judgmental folks here. Never ceases to amaze me how many people here are so quick to be so condescending and sarcastic. I guess that is a much easier thing to do than to offer constructive criticism, or advice, or offer the correct information. For the record, I did not put the BE35 in there, it auto populated the field. I removed it twice. It auto-populated the field twice. So I just took the tail number out. I don't know the entire tail number. Folks like you strain on gnats and miss the point of the photo.
Tom Glass
It's sometimes difficult here to tell who's responses are directed at what comments, however can you provide the location John? I've never seen a static display of the X-1 outdoors. Didn't know there was one!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Tom Glass, sure, thanks for asking. The aircraft is on display at the Proud Bird Restaurant basically located just off of the SE corner of LAX. It's a great place for spotting as well while you enjoy some nice food and drink out on the deck. There is also a little slide/playground equipment for the little kids there if you have any kids. They are located at: 11022 Aviation Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. I highly recommend a visit to the place. They have a lot of aircraft on static display there as well.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Tom Glass. Also, you can google the restaurant as they have a website and you can get an idea what it looks like. Also recommend a google earth search where you can see the aircraft they have parked outside.
Greg Byington
John, there is no ICAO Type Designator for the Bell X-1. You can use ZZZZ (unknown/undesignated) if you want to. The SN for Glamorous Glennis, the one Chuck Yeager flew, was 46-062. So, I'm assuming this is a copy of that aircraft, unless they moved the original from the Smithsonian to here. (Note also that it has Glamorous Glennis painted on the fuselage.) And you're right, FA does often just display whatever it wants to regardless of the info you enter. Thanks for sharing.
a mentor
Once upon a time, the Proud Bird Restaurant had a meeting room to commemorate the 332nd Red Tails -- haven't been there since the remodel.

The origninal 'Glamorous Glennis' was on the starboard side in large letters
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@gregbyington. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Re: the tail/reg #, I tried typing in 46-062 but then FA automatically changes the tail number to: N46062 which is why I added an extra "6". Taking your advice and plugging in the "ZZZZ" for the aircraft type. Appreciate the constructive feedback/advice.!
Joel Payne
Grew up, not too far from the "Proud Bird" restaurant. I always thought the name "Proud Bird" was in reference to a Continental Airlines commercial, whose statement was, I believe, something like- "FLY CONTINENTAL. THE PROUD BIRD WITH THE GOLDEN TAIL". Left "SoCal" in the mid '60's. Only been back to visit a few surviving friends, on occasion, or to "lay over", as a Delta pilot. Thanks for the picture.
Yes, this is BELL X1. the 1st supersonic achieved a speed near 1,000 miles per hour in final years 40
Hugh Janus
You "need" to stop repeating yourself and work on avoiding the shouting when publishing.
@ John Giambone (poster) sorry to hear. But this site must be called out for its absolute lack of content management, which has let a contributor down. If nothing else FlightAware, show some damn respect.
For the aviation purists, do a websearch on "X1", "Glamorous Glennis" whatever you prefer. It's amazing how many different places "The X-1 that broke the sound barrier" is displayed.
Last I knew, the "real" (original?) was still in the possession of the Smithsonian, but on display at the museum near IAD.
I laugh when I see the different locations "Glamorous Glennis" is shown in different photos.
a mentor
Yes, the Bell X-1 is a one-off and on display at the Smithsonian -- anything else is a replica. But the Bell X-B was the follow-on
John Ward
The sound barrier broken in this aircraft by the immortal Chuck Yeager! If there is a god, bless him!
Steven H Wilcox
Nice photo, John! Even though I never saw the Bell X-1 in person, I remember USAF Brigadier General Chuck Yeager breaking records piloting this aircraft.
John, let the naysayers be naysayers. YOU are the one who posted this piece of American history.
The one and only original Bell X-1 hangs in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum on the Mall in downtown DC.
I've been there and have photos of it. They would never let it sit outside anywhere.
I don't know the history of this airframe, if it's a mockup or a spare airframe painted to look like the famous one.
Thanks John for posting this unique photo.
Hey, John, just ignore the doragatory comments. There are a lot of knowledgeable people regularly on this site. I learn lots of things. And in this case I knew it was a Bell x-1 but I had forgotten (shame on me) the name of it's most famous pilot, Chuck Yeager. If you get back there share some more pictures !
Die "Glamorus Glennis" müsste die Bell X1 von Chuck Yaeger gewesen sein, mit der er als erster Mensch die Schallmauer durchbrach.

The "Glamorus Glennis" should have been Chuck Yaeger's Bell X1, with which he was the first person to break the Supersonic barrier.
The "Glamorus Glennis" should have been Chuck Yaeger's Bell X1, with which he was the first person to break the sound barrier.
they must of ran out of PLAID spraypaint
David Ingram
Located just off the end of LAX 25L. Neat place. Food and service was great. Scary plane. No realistic escape back then. Crawl into a bomb and light the fuse.
Jack White
Nice shot John. Thanks for taking the time to post this.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@HughJanus - what are you talking about repeating myself & shouting?
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank you to all the positive people who offer constructive criticism and additional background information. I am always happy for YOUR input. Unlike a lot of so-called "experts" I don't know everything. I love aviation and am happy to share my pics with those who share my enthusiasm.
Hugh Janus
Dear John Glambone, my comment was for Vaughn Blue Jr. you may want to read his/her/its comment before it's taken down. Tks John.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Hugh Janus. Thank's for the clarification bud.
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