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F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Comes Up Short On Range
Combat radius, the maximum distance of an out-bound leg with a full load of weapons and fuel, has dropped to 1,080.4km (584nm) for the F-35A, according to a leaked copy of the 2010 F-35 selection acquisition report (SAR). That falls slightly below the specification for a minimum combat radius of 1,091km, one of seven mandatory “key performance parameters” that apply to the CTOL variant, the report dated 31 December states. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Hopefully this thing kicks some major ass because with all these costs and shortcomings I don't know how it will ever be in production.
What a joke the JSF has turned out to be... was suppose to be a partnership to create a superior low cost (60million) fighter. Now it has become the most expensive (I believe more then the f22) and is falling short on specs. Nice....
I want a contract to design something for the military. Doesn't matter what it is, or how much it is supposed to cost, by the time I get done, no-one will remember what it was supposed to be, what it was supposed to do, or supposed to cost....that's why the military has a warehouse full of 40 pound sledge hammers, with 4 inch handles, painted pink and which cost $76,400 each.... now that supplier knew how to squeeze the pig..
This is the problem of designing something to perform too many and varied functions.
I'm thinking it's gonna be used as a first strike instrument, just like the F-117, or a last defense line for a carrier group. One thing is for sure, the F-16, F-18 and F-15 are gonna be in use for a long, long time.
Its a shame they chose sexy over functional.
We had a fully ready for production airplane that met all the goals an was ready to enter flight test and production.
The airforce chose the sexy not even designed yet underbid piece of junk.
We had a fully ready for production airplane that met all the goals an was ready to enter flight test and production.
The airforce chose the sexy not even designed yet underbid piece of junk.
It could be that obama cut f-35 funding just like he cut the F-22 fleet. If the funding was cut, then everything that could have made the JSF halfway decent went into the trash leaving a heap of scrap metal.