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US FAA tightens aircraft certification oversight after Boeing MAX crashes
WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The Federal Aviation Administration said on Tuesday it had adopted a new aircraft certification policy requiring key flight control design changes to be considered "major" like the system involved in two fatal Boeing (BA.N) 737 MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Excuse me? I think the FAA just woke up. This happened years ago. Time for major revamping of this agency.
Only 5 years later. What do you expect when you expect the fox to watch the henhouse?? This one really pissed me off. I’m for reducing government where we can but this is the case study in why we can’t.
Tighten aircraft certification? Putting Dennis A. Muilenburg in jail for a while might help too. He practically caused the Max crashes because $$ first.
Who's going to put Fauci and Gates in jail? We are on the way to 500k excess deaths this year and you're crying about q couple of plane crashes. what about EVs exploding? Did you miss the ship that sank from EV fires? What about the parking garage in England that burned down? It was concrete and steel.
Name me a crime to prosecute him for. You try being a chief epidemiologist in the middle of a pandemic killing millions of people around the world. BTW.. if you actually read what we wrote it was the continual lies and breaking of laws that we’re criticizing. But you have an axe to grind here despite efforts by a lot of commenters not to make this a political forum. I suggest you grind it elsewhere.
Just keep your head in the sand and see how that works out for you. We have an epidemic of the vaccinated if you don't know. I've lost three friends, two others had strokes, another developed a heart condition. i'm merely relating facts that you call politics. Good luck in life.
They are facts, not denying it. I also don’t agree with the way the health policy was handled, by the press or by the government. Anyone in government that can remember the Ford administration mass response to a Spanish flu epidemic that gave people shots that gave them Guillan-Barre syndrome unnecessarily shouldn’t be in office. But in public health policy you make decisions for the masses. Any medication has a trade-off that should be discussed with your physician and your individual case. That wasn’t how it was handled. I can also present you the case of Dianna Cowen, a popular you tuber tha is suffering from Long Covid. Let me ask you.. why don’t we seat people backwards on aircraft? It would save untold lives in crashes. Most flights don’t crash. Most people didn’t have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
500,000 excess deaths this year that no one in the corrupt media and government are talking about because they hope you don't notice. If you want to know where this came from look up Bill Gates TED talk from 2012. He said vaccines in the future would be used to control population. There was plenty of criminality involved in this to go around. However, I take particular issue with the FAA rolling over to Biden with his mandate. If you have ever been caught in the FAA's medical swamp as I have you know that they are incredibly stingy with any new medication for pilots. That policy went out the window with the covid vaxx. I'm not here to preach. I merely post these things because no one in media is talking about the harm they did. Cheers!
Oh, I can't talk to my doctor as he died "suddenly" last year.