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NASA will soon test its X-59 supersonic aircraft over select U.S. cities
Supersonic travel – flying faster than the speed of sound – is as cool as it sounds. After the retirement of the Concorde nearly two decades ago and the regulations prohibiting supersonic flight over populated areas, this type of machine should make a comeback very soon. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
From the article, I presume the tests haven't started yet. What do you bet that some people are already firing off nasty emails about noise??
Over my house please!
Definitely an area rule fuselage and I'd love to see the tow bar.
“ After the retirement of the Concorde nearly two decades ago and the regulations prohibiting supersonic flight over populated areas, this type of machine should make a comeback very soon.”
Does this writer actually read what was written? So long as my windows continue to burst at the passing of the ultimate elitist form of transport, there will be no such thing.
Does this writer actually read what was written? So long as my windows continue to burst at the passing of the ultimate elitist form of transport, there will be no such thing.