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TUIfly Belgium MAX delivery flight returns to Boeing Field after electrical stabiliser trim failure
The aircraft landed safely at Boeing Field at 19:09. According to some sources, it suffered an electrical stabiliser trim failure. The replay of the flight on Flightradar24 shows that the crew had difficulties maintaining altitude and never reached FL150 requested by ATC, nor were they able to maintain FL130 instructed later to return to BFI. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Flight is rescheuled for today as JAF981F however its still delayed and on the ground.
FlightAware now shows flight JAF981F completed, arrival in Brussels at 8:14am UTC October 16
Yes - the 9 hour delivery flight was completed. Flightaware records shows a likely C1 customer flight had occurred on October 10 Boeing Field - Moses Lake - Boeing Field.
Failure on Delivery Flight?!? Doesn't that qualify fora One-for-One exchange?
What is wrong with the Max ? Even after a lengthy grounding , and a large back log of manufactured , ready for delivery aircraft sitting in storage , Boeing promised that they would re-inspect all of them and make good on them . I've previously read on this web site , that Inspectors were finding FOD in fuel tanks . I float this question : should the Max all go to the wreckers yard ? DGR
That plane flew directly over my house last night. I thought "that's not a normal flight pattern" and figured is was a Paine Field test flight.
Thanks to Boeing engineers and management for your efforts ... we know you are trying ... and given enough time you'll eventually get all the bugs out.
Thanks to Boeing engineers and management for your efforts ... we know you are trying ... and given enough time you'll eventually get all the bugs out.
Hopefully before a max crashes into your house. ð