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American Airlines flight attendants stand up to Boeing CEO on 737 MAX
American Airlines’ flight attendants union still has safety concerns about the Boeing 737 MAX and is demanding an active role in the relaunch of the grounded aircraft, its president told Boeing Co’s (BA.N) chief executive in a letter seen by Reuters. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Yawn...stories on the MAX have maxed out!
Amen. Its getting kinda old really. You can only beat a dead horse so long.
sure....everybody and their brother has decided they know exactly what all the problems were that led to these crashes and how to redesign flight software...might as well give them a calculator and let them knock themselves out.
That's why there will never be confidence in the safety of this aircraft until it flies again 5 or 6 years without incident. There isn't "all the problems" just one simple one: a hardware design problem ( the plane ) attempted to be corrected by software. Like asking your laptop operating system to make up for how the notebook opens and closes.
Hello, Mr. Cricket. Thank you for your interest on this story.
Was this not the same union that complained about the size of the loos on the MAX when they were first put in service? Talk about looking hard to find fault! At least the tail has not fallen off a MAX like it has on a Scarebus. When the MAX does fly again, it will be the most scrutinized airliner flying.