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Cockpit Audio of Flight 497 Emergency Landing
Exchanges between the pilot of a United AIrlines plane and New Orleans control tower as they deal with an emergency caused by smoke in the cockpit. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
?Thought that when you give fuel on board it's to be in hours and minutes?!?!?! Guess I've been taught wrong for the last 15 years. Wait I guess controllers know every aircraft's fuel burn, that must be the reason why.
Is it me or are the controllers a bit slow to recognize the seriousness of the situation WTF over!!!!!!!!!!
Controllers have no idea of the seriousness of this... I mean really, he declares and emergency, has no instruments, Smoke smell in the cockpit and these guys are trying... Geez. He Asked for it, He declared and emergency. I know controllers are supposed to maintain there cool, but they don't have to stay in the freezer!
I'm only a private pilot, not an ATP, but I think I'd prefer to have the controllers keep their cool. The pilot was all business as well, even with a cockpit full of smoke, no instruments and alarms going off all over the place. I'd say all involved did an excellent job.
Pro's in every position. If you weren't there don't find fault or second guess. They were and they did very well. Great job by all.
Where's the audio of the PAR? Who even has the capability of doing them anymore?