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Grounded by Vaccine Exemption: Married United Pilots Feel Betrayed
Diversity, equity, inclusion; this has been the mantra of United Airlines. United pilots Stephanie and Kyle Atteberry thought the company meant it. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The story makes them out to be some kind of a martyrs. They are not. They are adults that made an adult choice, and now they have to face the consequences.
If you understood anything about being a career pilot you would think differently. Many pilots including myself are not getting the jab because first of all it’s not FAA approved. Second any one of the side effects that are happening can be career ending. It’s amazing how many I’ll educated people we have on this comment thread.
MOST sane Americans support you no matter how many leftist fascists you see posting here.
most responses are from educated conservatives....not fascist....but the village idiot said the same thing you did last month
Please educate me on the "career ending" side effects of mRNA vaccines and the probability of their occurrence versus the probability of severe outcomes of COVID-19. I am just one of those "I'll" educated "Leftist commies" that needs these things explained to me. In my uneducated ways I calculated that you have about a 1.6% chance of death if you contract COVID-19 in the USA (that's 16,191 deaths in a million cases). The rate has been decreasing as post infection treatments have improved (e.g. monoclonal antibodies and ritonavir and molnupiravir more recently). I am not going to get into Long COVID, but I can tell you this: it is real and we learn more about its devastating effects on patients - young and old - every day. Now, if you get an mRNA vaccine, you have a 0.00334% chance of dying as a result of the vaccination (or about 33 deaths in a million vaccinations). Some people who died after getting vaccinated might not have died because of the vaccine. The VAERS data probably overstates the number of vaccine related deaths (not only for the COVID-19 vaccine, but for all vaccines). I admit I am not well educated, but if I were playing the odds, I would rather take the odds the vaccine gives me. Now you might say, "but I said career-ending events, not just deaths." There have been 9,999 reported "permanent disabilities" due to the COVID-19 vaccines in the US, however if you look at only the mRNA vaccines, then your chances of a permanent disability is about the same as the chance of death from a COVID-19 vaccine. Now, if you take the permanent disabilities rate in that population and figure it is equally distributed amongst all careers without bias, and knowing there are about 670,000 licensed pilots in the USA (all pilots not just career pilots), that means 44 pilots, or so, might suffer permanent disability events due to vaccination (22 might die, and 22 might have permanent disability). No one wants to be one of those 44. However unvaccinated pilots who get COVID-19 might face a 1.6% chance of death (that is a bit more complicated since death rates are different by age, sex, race, chronic conditions, socioeconomic status, etc., but since I am uneducated, please let me roll with it for now). That also does not count career-ending Long COVID as a possibility. Again, I would rather be in the vaccinated group. You can choose to play the other odds - that is Darwinism (but a whole other discussion).
Richard, you are free to make your own choices based on the evidence that you've researched.
However, when you compare risks from the disease vs. risks from the vax, you should take into account the period of effectiveness of each.
The vaccine is only effective for a few months (thus the need for boosters). You'll have to risk permanent disability/death several times a year for the rest of your life if you choose the vaccine route. And there's still no guarantee you won't catch the disease.
So it's not a simple either/or comparison of saying you have X% chance of dying from one vs. Y% of dying from the other. We don't know much about long term consequences of either one. For example, will the vax make you more susceptible to future strains? We don't have all the answers yet.
However, when you compare risks from the disease vs. risks from the vax, you should take into account the period of effectiveness of each.
The vaccine is only effective for a few months (thus the need for boosters). You'll have to risk permanent disability/death several times a year for the rest of your life if you choose the vaccine route. And there's still no guarantee you won't catch the disease.
So it's not a simple either/or comparison of saying you have X% chance of dying from one vs. Y% of dying from the other. We don't know much about long term consequences of either one. For example, will the vax make you more susceptible to future strains? We don't have all the answers yet.
I know. My friend Ben had something to say that makes a lot of sense to me. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
If you are looking for a left winger devoid of common, or other, sense, make haste to a mirror a gaze upon its reflection
You may just have a Pogo moment about you and your ilk
You may just have a Pogo moment about you and your ilk
Sickening how these posts are from Leftist commies. Translates to
The most ignorant of stupids. Agree w you, Jackson
The most ignorant of stupids. Agree w you, Jackson