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Pilots trained for one hour on ipad - 737 Max 8
Pilots received one hour of training on an iPad for new 737 Max 8 because it was considered to be the same type rating as 737-800 ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Consider the largest MAX fleet with the most air time has had zero crashes and crews seem to know how to "fly the airplane" when technology fails. All technology fails eventually; even in an analog 6-pack. Experienced pilots train for when things don't work right. I doubt Southwest pilots have had only an hour on an iPad.
We also don’t know whether SWA, UA or AA Max 8s have the optional (required) equipment. It’s like the airbag(s) in your car, it helps when it’s needed.
Southwest didn't but are adding AOA. Don't know about UA or AA but I would bet the don't.
I really hate the internet sometimes.
I hope they somehow turned ipads into VR display and used it as a training tool...
And this now sounds awfully like the British midland crash... Where the captain shut down the wrong engine on a new Boeing 737-400, because in previous 737 models AC only come from right engine, not from both on 737-400...(left engine was damaged and surging, right engine was working, captain shut down the right engine instead of left engine because from the burning smell he automatically thought the right engine was faulty...)