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This lady is not telling the truth

I was actually on this flight on Friday evening from ORD to DCA. I have been a reader of this forum for a long time but seeing this all over the news made me sign up so I could tell you what really happened here and hopefully stop this liar in her tracks....As many on this forum suspected we were not getting the whole truth. ( More...

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John Donaldson, thank you SO much for speaking up re: giving full context to this story. It's maddening to hear how the media can take a stranger's words, create a "headline", without making an effort (apparently) to pursue any additional input to help gain more context. I so feel for the FA. She's been put in a hole she probably didn't dig for herself.
canuck44 15
Nancy, sadly we are seeing a press that only speaks to their own agenda based on political correctness. Had any of them taken the time to speak to the crew before jumping off into the deep end they would have had reason to proceed cautiously, but that would not have fit the agenda. Instead they pushed the CAIR provided line without even Googling the "lady". This is a little like the NYT deciding Marco Rubio's traffic tickets over two decades was somehow relevant to his current ambitions. Clearly, they have never driven in Miami...four is Eagle Scout behavior.

Hopefully Wayne's post is correct and she will be "rehired", but even better would be if she sued the confabulating Imam.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Dale Ballok -1
Chuck: Maybe YOU don't exist! You sound like a nay-sayer that can not disceminate logic or common sense. Do you believe ANYTHING? To YOU it's a trivial issue of a soft drink...tell that to the FA that was just trying to do her job. Too bad the passengers didn't shove something in her mouth to shut her up...oh ya, that's discriminating!!! Just another damn case of people not wanting to listen to reason, especially from someone of authority in charge. Why do people today feel a sense of entitlement to say and do anything THEY want with total disregard for any rules, regulations or authority?
This is why this great country of ours is going to hell in a handbasket.
We still have no idea what really happened? I think we do.

Which account makes more sense? Or better yet which account makes no sense? The original version would be a tough sell without the overtly racist jerk who just happened to be seated across the isle. With him, along with the suggested zero-response from anyone else on that airplane either during or after the fact, I'm sorry but our story is now set squarely in the absurd.

Maybe I'm giving the post 9/11 flying public too much credit, but tell me, how do you see this playing out: Some guy suddenly and completely lights up some woman mid-flight with a profanity laced racist rant, and loud enough for the entire cabin to hear. Seriously, half the guys on that plane would have their belts off before he even finished. A male a victim, maybe. A visibly upset female flying alone, no way.

We have some idea about what happened. Why it happened, not so much (but it ain't the can of coke).
matt jensen 46
FA needs to be re-hired and the complainant needs to be arrested for false filing.
Myra Issa -7
How can you be so sure that it was false? You believe this person who has no proof whatsoever.. They could be making this all up
joel wiley 8
Myra Issa, welcome to Flightaware discussions. There are two parties here, someone with the login name of comeflywithme33 and another named Amahad. Which lacks proof and may be making things up, comefly, or Amahad? You assert comefly has no proof- can you verify that assertion? Can you verify the Amahad claim as valid? What proof do you provide?
Beyond a "he said, she said", what do we actually have for proof?
sueridge307 4
This is not a discussions area of interests it's a squawks area and I do not believe this at all myself it's complete BS.
If you really want too know Joel the same person uses a IP blocker with different logins. But they make the same mistakes over and over.
Myra Issa -1
No proof and both ends so we really can't jump to conclusions.
joel wiley 3
I can choose not to jump to conclusions, as can you. Sadly, what passes for journalism in media can, and does on a daily basis. Many FA commenters follow that path.
Peter Steitz 4
Myra, are you even a pilot? Are you a flight attendant? Have you ever been a server in a restaurant? There are only so many cans of drinks in the galley. Not everyone can have a full can. Airlines have cut back drastically in the past 10 years. Not that I agree but that's a fact.
Myra Issa -6
Well I always get the can when I ask for it?..
joel wiley 5
Does that mean you will get the can then next time you ask? That is a problem with trend analysis.
Peter Steitz 4
Gotta jump in here. I'm a retired airline Captain and The galley only holds so many of certain drinks. Maybe you think you're at a posh restaurant but you're not. Even in First Class there are only so many drinks and food to go around. This is not a caribbean cruise. The galley weighs a lot and has to be figured into takeoff weight. Unfortunately, airlines have cut back in order to have extra seats--also to only serve pretzels and peanuts to economy class. That's where I sit now.
Myra Issa -4
I don't ask for the can every time just whenever I feel for it.. But honestly I thought they were allowed to give you the can because when I ask they gave it to me. I don't think I'm at posh restaurant? It is because I was never denied
AWAAlum 4
You've just been fortunate then. He's just trying to explain if they have enough of a supply to serve everyone they can give you the entire can. If they're running short, they'll pour you a cup of soda.
Dale Ballok 1
Why do you bother interjecting your short-sighted opinion as does "Chuck"?..."I always get a full can when I ask for it" REALLY! Do you also get everything else you ask for every time, or do you pitch a fit when you don't get your way? Come on, get real. Do you have ANY common sense? This is the real world, not some fantasy land you might think it is where everything and everyone is perfect. If people can't adjust to changes and/or interruptions in normal activities, they shod stay away from public places and just live in their own little world.
Myra Issa -1
Excuse you? I clarified what I meant by that I happened to get lucky and never was rejected ok? So calm your little self down.
jacques astre 6
Myra, sounds like you need to get out more and start connecting with the rest of the world. This arrogance is common place. Some people get on an airplane and expect to be served like they are in a 5 star restaurant. When they don't get their way, they whine and complain. This person took it one step further. She played the discrimination card. The flight crew should have reported this disturbance to police prior to arrival so police could get witness statements. The whole matter would have been resolved right at the gate. I know because I used to investigate these complaints.
Kells Moore 6
You gotta hate it when people use race or sex as a weapon or an excuse. It is okay to bring it up in a defence but not as an excuse as it was in this case.
iflyfla 5
I guess now FA's will have to wear body cam's.
Roy Talbot 12
What a surprise. Thanks for clearing up the situation. Now this needs to be published by the national press
canuck44 9
Roy, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
sparkie624 2
LOL... Will be a cold day you know where when that happens.
preacher1 4
Lets move on to something else. It is getting burdensome to go through 150 posts to get to 1 comment that may or may not have any substance.
paul trubits 4
Wow! 150 posts and counting. It seems that we have a dispute between two women, both who have been discriminated against because of their sex all of their lives. My guess that if this was some brute of a guy going after a FA, the other px would have come to her defense. Anyone who deals with the great unwashed public knows that this kind of sh*t happens all the time. Maybe the px was being a jerk or maybe the FA was giving her attitude. The px who jumped in and made racist remarks did not help. If we do not all take a step back and stop prejudging others, we are all doomed. I get it that it is in our DNA to be afraid of strangers. These FA posts speak loudly to our failings as human beings. Flying should not be an "us against them" experience.
Myra Issa 1
I agree with you Paul
The word racist and discrimination in any situation needs to be properly investigated at all times before jumping to conclusion, we were not on the flight except for one individual who said he was there and we have no evidence only going by his statement(Don't get wrong I didn't say he wasn't there).
sparkie624 0
The bottom line is that the FA did not feel comfortable with giving her a can... No problem with the drink.. Just the can... She would poor it all day for her... That being said we were not there, and do not know what the FA was thinking.. We all have suspicions, only on the FA really knows. The FA has the authority on how to serve different passengers and she can treat one different that another if she has reason to do so.. .I support her in her decision as she was the one that was there and accessed the situation. There were other FA's on board, and the others did not give her a can either.. I side with the FA's and think she got a raw deal.... Just my opinion.
Myra Issa 1
It just makes no sense why wouldn't she feel comfortable giving her a can to drink? Think about how that makes zero sense.
sparkie624 2
We were not there... Any idea we have would be second guessing her decision.
Pileits 7
Just another chronic complaining woman that thinks the world should revolve around her, which it does not! She is now wallowing in the national news spotlight with all of her baloney
Quite a different story! But no surprise to me. You know the story about crying "wolf".
ken young 11
In general., the media is not interested in facts. Their primary interest is to be the first to report.
Sadly, most so called journalists and their editors have left leaning political agendas which are inserted into the news.
And of course this falls right in line with this story. This sniveling whiny woman who was having a very bad day decides she's going to spread her misery. And a good employee lost her job.....
If I were her, I would hire a plaintiff's attorney who is the most unscrupulous of sharks and have him or her rip a hole in my former employer's bank account so large they could use it as a hangar for a 787.
joel wiley 3
I find it interesting that the squawk on the original incident has not been commented on in nearly 2 weeks, and has a count value of 2. This one, a post about a person allegedly on the plane with a different perspective and story is much more lively. Also, if anyone posted corroborating evidence supporting either side, I missed it.
randomguy 2
Because the explanation put forth in this squawk fits a lot of vocal people's world view. Evidence or corroboration be damned.
John Wynn 5
Stupidity has no RACE, Colour or Creed. Any way to fast track her to the NO FLY list?
I'm sorry, but I tend to have questions whenever I see anonymous claims that are intended to call a person into disrepute or otherwise disparage their character are anonymously posted online.

1) Is John Donaldson the author (ComeFlyWithMe33) of the post on FlyerTalk?

2) If not, who is the individual?

I never believe anything posted on the Internet by anonymous individuals who have nothing to lose because of that anonymity, not without some sort of verifiable facts. Here's what I do know about the claims of the author:

1) He was assigned to seat 7A, a port side window seat. He claims he sat in 8D instead, when he discovered the passenger originally assigned to that seat was occupying his seat.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I NEVER give up a window seat, especially one with no one seated in front of me that might suddenly recline their seat and dump the contents of whatever was on my tray into my chest and lap.

2) The author claims to have been privy to a cell phone conversation with her credit card company, and then privy again to her specific online activities, which she allegedly paid for by credit card during the aforementioned cellular phone call.

The aircraft was a B738, not a C208, and the aircraft flew over the Appalachian Mountains, not the Rockies. Cell phones rarely work over 10,000 feet AGL, nor at cruising speeds typical for an airliner (in this case, about M0.75 is typical).

Having flown many times on the 737, I can tell you that it is difficult at best to see what the person in the seat directly in front of you is doing. I'm 5'11", and can't even see that there is someone in front of me. So how did Mr ComeFlyWithMe33 accomplish such a fantastic feat? Is he 7'6"?

3) If the only person yelling was Ahmad, why does he describe the passenger who took his seat as "the screaming man" in later replies within the discussion thread?

4) Ahmad, and the FA, both acknowledge that a bigoted remark was shouted out from a few rows behind Ahmad. Wouldn't you think that, if the remark came from "the screaming man," both would know exactly who made it?

5) The author claims to have contacted the media and even to have sent them a copy of his cancelled tickets to show he was indeed on the flight and close enough to witness everything. Anyone paying attention knows precisely what Fox News Channel feels about Islam in general. Why was he never on their channel as a frequent guest, given that facts rarely get in the way of their agenda?

6) If the FA did nothing wrong, why did she admit to it and apologize, multiple times? Why would the pilot go out of his way to help Ahmad file a formal complaint?

This is just a half dozen obvious holes in the anonymous narrative that was posted on one web site, and then copied word for word to various far right web sites as factual and proven. I'm alarmed at how many here, who claim to be flight enthusiasts, are willing to push aside reason and believe anonymous and unproven claims made against a person who is not hiding from anyone. It's disgusting to know so many here are willing to buy into whatever narrative fits their world view, without even demanding some sort of PROOF of the claims being made.

I use my name online, I'm curious as to why someone who claims to be an eyewitness doesn't, in light of the fact he WANTS the media to contact him, and wants to tell his side allegedly.

Fact 1) The version of events that the flight attendant gives matches Ahmad's version.

Fact 2) UAL is not responsible, they have done what they deemed they could, barring the FA from working on their flights. The FA is still employed with her employer on other flights.

Fact 3) The anonymous post has NEVER BEEN VERIFIED, not to mention makes no sense.

I want to know the facts, which an anonymous posting is not.
AWAAlum 5
You make numerous good points. However, I will say simply because you attach a "name" to your posting, it isn't any less anonymous. That may be your name, then again it may not.
roo212 5
you do bring up some good points. But re: your comment about never giving up a window seat - I'd trade a window for an aisle in a heartbeat! I hate window seats (feel trapped) & love aisles. Different strokes for different folks, & though there might be other reasons to discredit his account, I don't think that's one of them.
joel wiley 3
Some good points there.

I find it interesting that Ms Amahad's statements were posted to as many sites as the Comeflywithme's post with similar assumptions of accuracy. Both need to be taken with a number of grains of salt. I am saddened how blovating has replaced investigating journalism, and that news reporting seems to be used as a platform for those who have elevated being offended to an art form and vocation.

Re fact 3: I will take with a grain of salt your assertion the post has never been verified. And disagree that it 'makes no sense' is a fact.
randomguy 2
shuttle america 3504 ( on Friday June 1 would have been this guy, showing as an Embraer 175. shows row 7 as having way better seating! I totally believe a guy who says he just shrugged and let someone take his 7 seat for an 8 seat.
canuck44 1
You post is somewhere between silly and inane. Maybe I should suggest Deborah Lipsitz is a Pro-Palestinian blog plant. If I had written it, it would be in my name, just as what I post here, no nom de plume or is merely a reposting of a blog entry from an aviation someone that clearly lives in Washington, DC which is a long way from Florida, culturally and otherwise. It would appear she is every bit as credible as the Madame Imam who elsewhere is described as an activist, a CAIR supporter, a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood (I repeat myself)....much in her own words.

There are lots of people out there that will not post anything against the politically correct favored minorities for fear of employment loss, lawfare or actually physical harm. If she is in DC the chances are pretty good that she is a government employee and the Regime does not appreciate criticism of the favorites she could well be at risk. Me...I could give a crap, but they need to bring lots of friends as I have a six foot fence, lots of firepower and two hungry Mastiffs.
Hey John, I'm thinking bout buying a Barrett. Good investment if nothing else. You got one? The're made just 2 hours from me.
I have met a couple FA's that were less than perfect but they don't keep their jobs long if the complaints roll frequently. Generally the problem is usually with some "deserve special treatment " pax. I think this is the case here given the history of the Muslim agitator.
John Tinney 0
Sorry but the story is filled with holes. The cell phone claim was enough for me to know the story is a load. I'm not believing the victim's story either. My guess is the truth lies somewhere in between and most of this was a misunderstanding.
E R 0
While I agree that, in general, an anonymous post can hardly suffice as proof until being externally verified in some way, you are making several assumptions that poke a few more holes than warranted.

1) You assume the author (henceforth OP) is a male.

2) OP never claimed to witness a cell phone conversation with the credit card company. OP merely said she "got onto her phone with her credit card and paid for the internet so she could start spinning this story."

Ahmad didn't make a call - she got on wifi. john public mentioned earlier that, according to FlightAware, Shuttle America 3504 used an E-175, which is more than likely equipped with onboard wifi (see I've never used United's wifi before, but I'm pretty sure if you have a smartphone, you just input your credit card number and bingo. So it's certainly plausible that, rather than talking to her cc company over the phone as you suggest, she was accessing wifi. No worries about the altitude or location at that point.

In fact, Ahmad posted on Facebook ( at 9:22pm, which is right in the middle of the flight time, according to FlightAware. Her post is public. OP may not have realized at the time exactly what she was doing, (i.e. "start spinning this story") but anyone can connect the dots post facto. She was clearly on the plane at 9:22 when she posted publicly with her phone.

3) OP said that Ahmad was "the one who started screaming discrimination" but they never said that she was the only one yelling like you're implying.

5) Your premise: if OP contacted the media, then he would have appeared on Fox News. He didn't, so therefore he never contacted the media. But perhaps the poor guy/gal didn't want to go on Fox News. Would you blame them?

6) Your premise: If the FA apologized/pilot helped with complaint, it's an admission of guilt. They did these things, therefore the FA is guilty. I'm not the FA, but from a PR perspective, you can't go wrong by apologizing to an angry customer even if you (think you) were in the clear. So I'm not sure that apologizing about the incident is necessarily an admission of wrongdoing. Also do you have a source for the information about the FA admitting to "it" (I'm not sure if by "it" you mean discrimination?) I've seen many sources that say she apologized, but not admitted to anything. I'd be very interested in seeing them.

TL;DR: Skepticism is warranted, but jumping to conclusions is dangerous for both sides of the story.
jcazalot 6
I knew the original "story" was a lie. How could a professional FA blantantly do what she claims was done?
Waaah waaaahhh I want attention cause I'm different! The narrative of many these days...
Yes, this does seem to be the narrative of many these days.......... sadly.
canuck44 0
And she got fired for it.
joel wiley 6
She wouldn't be the first person in history to be 'unfired'.
preacher1 6
Not sure she was fired. She worked for a regional carrier and it was just said that she wouldn't serve UAL pax again. It just goes to show that there are 2 sides to every story. When I had the truck line, it was not uncommon for a driver and somebody on a backshift to get into it and a Traffic Manager to call up or Email the next morning filled with righteous indignation and telling me not to send that driver back in. Well, in particular if it was a volume customer, we would hold the driver out for awhile then send them back in, no problems.
Peter Steitz 1
Republic Airways (RJET) that owns Shuttle America, Chautauqua (now merged into the others) and Republic Airlines--three different certificates-now only two. They code share with all three majors. This flight was supposedly on Shuttle. They are all unionized. Race card again. This is becoming the new way to get what you want.
AWAAlum 1
I'm stunned, if that's so. Do you know if her employer is unionized? Can't imagine the union not ensuring that didn't happen.
ken young 5
Companies today are so risk averse that the first knee jerk reaction is to terminate any employee that resists or pushes back against a complaining customer. Especially if that customer is a member of one of liberal America's politically correct protected classes.
How about we boycott the air carrier until the FA is hired back?
Ian Roxburgh 5
I can't believe we have reached a point in our society where the word of an individual is taken as the truth without a proper investigation to establish the true facts.
I think we reached that point a long time ago-- as in what the heck is a printing press long time ago, long time ago.
This is exactly the type of rebuttal that SHOULD be aired on the national news media outlets - but that would never be allowed in today's climate of sympathy for "minorities". At least there are forums like this where the truth can slowly be leaked out.
charles lucke 2
@myra you are a plant for CAIR. having read your comments, typical you follow a forum then say everything to discredit to someone who was on the flight then run to the media for further spinning. somebody pushes back and you don't like it. poor thing.....the "victim" enroute to a conference to help kids get along better? the lies get better. by the way, were you on this flight? myra and CAIR, you lost this one. maybe someday it will get all better when hussein obama grants domestic rights to iran air........please have a great day and i hope i did not get you so upset as to spoil your lunch!
joel wiley 2
charles lucke, your first sentence would be better posed as a question rather than a statement. 'you are'... puts you on the same name-calling level as @myra, 'are you'... gets the same point across. @myra has been registered three months- before the reported incident. The posts do seem consistent with a troll though.
Aerohawk 2
Stopped reading when I got to your Fox News is the devil rant...give it a rest.
Peter Steitz 2
I'm retired USAirways (PSA) pilot and have pass privileges--now on American. The first thing I make known to the FA is that I'm a non-rev (standby).If you run low on anything---give it to the paying passenger first. There's a certain protocol and respect. I always stop by in the cockpit to see who's flying and introduce myself. If you abuse the cabin crew, they will just hit you back. They have to be honest and if there's no Zero coke---there's none left--that's that. Once you're past TSA and in the security zone, you can buy anything and take it with you. Buy a slice of pizza, a ham and cheese, Chinese, tacos, burger and fries. I can't tell you how many flights I flew with a sub or salad that I bought in the terminal and ate on the airplane. Autopilot on--time to eat. This is your leg--right?. Cleared to FL310.
paul mosher 4
I would be more likely to believe someone that actually posted his name. Why didn't he go to the press?
ken young 5
I am sick of these people.....These politically correct protected classes. They are not interested in equality. They want special rights

[This poster has been suspended.]

AWAAlum 2
Your last sentence - does that mean you think Canada doesn't do the same? That Tweets, FB, air, print, online - that doesn't ever happen in Canada? HAHAHA - c'mon buddy.
David Rice 1
Since 80% of Canada's population lives within 200 miles of the U.S., pretty much all of Canada is exposed to the same media you apparently claim you are able to avoid. We are all glad you live in Canada too.
Maybe muslims are just lying animals!
I sort of figured there was something else to this story. This needs to get on the National news. This poor flight attendant probably had to go for retraining. I think the airline itself should be notified and the flight attendant's record cleared. The media is never held accountable for false reporting. What, did they just take the word of the passenger and never gave the airline an opportunity for rebuttal???
joel wiley 1
One reason the media didn't follow up may be that much of their clientele lacks the attention span to finish reading a 144 character tweet, much less the rare well written news story.
Douglas Kehoe 1
As with children...if lacking moral tenor it won't sing right amongst peeps... it's hard for upstanding people to fathom but ,yet, there it is. Tell them to shut the #+$@- up, and mean it...but we know THAT will never happen.:).
Frank Parth 1
I'm close to 2 million miles on Star Alliance flights, mostly United, and including multiple trips to the Middle East (I have clients in Saudi Arabia and in the UAE).

In all that time I have never once seen any anti-Islamic discrimination, whether comments, poor treatment, or anything else by either crew members or passengers.
Tough, tough job these days! My sympathy goes out to her! But- let her know that it may just be a "blessing" in disguise to leave that profession! Having said that- so glad the witness came forward and told the WHOLE story!
David Ross 1
On the Armstrong and Getty show this morning one of the hosts said that the major media was contacted about the truth of this woman's lie. Not a one replied. And they probably won't. Why? Because it doesn't fit into their agenda.
From what I understand the FA may not have lost her job. United - like many major corporations who would rather settle than litigate even if they are in the right - said she would not be serving United passengers. Hopefully that means UA gave her another position within the company.
joel wiley 1
Who do A&G include as 'major media', who was approached, in what manner, and when? To what audience were they playing?
@Myra Issa : so much self-sufficiency ...
preacher1 1
I just wish people would read and comment on these thing in a timely manner, not 3 weeks after the fact. Just sayin'.
Joey Malone 1
Hey Preacher, maybe it didn't come to my attention until today, did you ever think of that? Besides, what do you care when someone comments?
Joey Malone 1
I am SO SICK of crap like this. "Political Correctness" has gone way too far. When do we take our country back? It's ok to offend American Citizens, but nobody else.
I've always heard it's better to drink water when you fly ; may if you don't get dehydrated you won't say stupid things or act like a jerk.
All this for a can of Coke ?
Nothing better to do ?
Charles Adams 1
So... the media picks and chooses what to post in order to fan the flames that sell more product. OMG!
sparkie624 1
And the news is where... Hmm... The media takes partial truths, puts it out as facts, and then expects us to believe it so that they can push through their agenda's.... UGH...
Charles Adams 2
I think we are lucky to get even partial truths most times. The older I get the more I learn about how the MSM spins to sell. Problem is most young whipper-snappers don't realize that until after they are programmed. I didn't. Took a long time to unlearn the fantasy world generated by the media.
Ron Beraha 1
There was a comedian who recently said about a US Campus "A Rolling Stone gathers no moss!" When another paper didn't bother checking the facts.
AWAAlum 1
Can someone advise how to get to the news article being referenced? All that opens for me is the account according to ComeFlyWithMe33 and posted by John Donaldson. Thanks in advance for your help.
Kevin Shields 1
You could probably Google it? I'm not sure I just remember reading it and seeing it on the news.
AWAAlum 1
Thanks, Kevin. I thought I had a glitch since everyone else seemed to have seen it. I'll give it a try.
joel wiley 1
FA had another squawk on the original event
AWAAlum 1
Thanks, Joel. (What a debacle, huh?)
Jeraboam 0
right click and click on Open
charles lucke 1
when CAIR is brought into the conversation it does become relevent. Would this mouthpiece carry on like this where sharia law is very much alive and practiced?
Jeraboam 1
Right click on "More", then click on Open
too bad she wasn't on my flight
Chris Hawker 1
All she has managed to do is make it less believable when real discrimination happens. The cry wolf syndrome is alive and well.
I really am an asshole magnet.😁
Les Price 1
Why wasn't this woman arrested upon landing for disrupting the flight?
Dave Mathes 1
...all I know is that I wasn't on that flight....
Robin Bailey 1
I have read through many comments, why? I enjoy flying but don't often get the chance. Never the less I have not experienced rudeness from FA of both genders, and when we do fly it is long haul 12 hours plus. Passengers have got grumpy but the FA's have always been professional. That said I would tend to the view that the passenger was in the wrong. The 'western world' has to wake up and stop pandering to the 'minorities'. Like it or not Islam is not a minority faith, it is second only to Christianity. Most of you writing are American it appears, BE American, be proud to be American and stand up for getting both sides of the story. Any job catering to the public is stressful and makes the person serving ripe for being picked on, lied about and generally maligned. The FA takes a risk any and every flight. Pilots - locked into the Cockpit. The FA's out in a tight, cramped space and the target of many dozens of requests big and small, reasonable and unreasonable in the face of reasonable and grumpy passengers. The FA's cannot bring their 'issues' into the workplace, but the customers can and often do.

'Chuck Me' - that 'stupid can of soda' WAS a weapon, it was used to destroy a FA's reputation, credibility, and position. Well done Dale Ballok for standing up.

If the FA had been Muslim and the passenger Christian who would be believed and portrayed as the victim ...hmm

Like it or not, believe it or not I am real, British, in Britain and in a minority.

Tara Finnigan 1
Thank you for commenting, maybe the airline needs to know your evidence because the FA is not at fault.
Zach N 1
Just FYI - it said NOWHERE that she actually called anyone, the author most likely was implying she used her credit card to access inflight internet, which is exactly what i am doing now.
mariofer 1
Shouldn't we be used to this by now? I wish there more people like ComeFlyWithMe33 who take the time to write and discredit people like this lady who only want to create controversy.
Ken Clutter 1
The do-gooders have made the situation intolerable. The divide will only deepen because of a small minority that think we have to kiss the feet of every special interest group.
WhiteKnight77 1
If we knew who ComeFlyWithMe33 is, news people could interview him to get his side of the story. Why he didn't go to the news when the story first surfaced would have been better. Still, there is always a a hidden story behind everything that happens today. The FA should be put back on her regular route if she has one.
andy streit 1
Why would United just remove her from their operated flights? Would they not do justice and interview all the passengers? I find it appalling that United would take the word of the lady in question, without speaking to the FA and the passengers. I had my doubts of this ladies story from the get-go. Several flight attendant I have seen are grumpy, old women. I highly doubt they would put their job in jeopardy by throwing these suggestions that she would use the can as a weapon.
preacher1 4
Like I said above, not sure she was fired. She worked for Shuttle America, and all UAL said was that she wouldn't be serving anymore UAL customers. Me thinks SA also work for some other carrier and she may have just been reassigned.
Tom Lyons 2
Shuttle America runs a MSP-ORD route partnering with AAL and they do a nice job.

Tom Lyons 2
Oops, strike that. Republic partners with AAL to O'Hare, Shuttle America is a UAL partner up here on that route.

I think SA does work with Delta though.
preacher1 1
Roger that. Most of the regionals have at least 2 in the hole. UAL may be their volume but I think they have a secondary.
thank you so much john donaldson for speaking out and telling what actually happened..i would hope ual or the feeder carrier would listen to the flight attendants side of this story and invite you and some other passengers to testify on her behalf..we have become a society of "too much political correctness"in addressing issues dealing with a persons race,religion or ethnicity,and this woman was taking advantage of the old adage "the customer is always right"and "im being discriminated against"...(not true!)...
This event whether or not it's true, has no place on this site. Can't we just stick to airplanes and leave out the people bullshit?
joel wiley 3
The short answer to your question is 'no'. Until such time as the human factor is removed from both the 'pointy' and the 'back' end where the 'self-loading cargo' are found, we must consider the people aspect as having a place in this public forum. The current thread is a response to another thread that did involve airplanes and as such, IMO, both have a place here.
AWAAlum 0
Except then they'd be drones, and this'd be a whole other forum.
Erik Davis 1
i am a son of a Retired News Professional and a former United Employee. You should take this to NBC news, United Public relations, and all other news outlets, what this woman was doing was wrong, and using the current social political climate to spin the situation to her favor. I'm a hard core liberal and I'm fully with YOU on this. What this woman was doing is crap. The FA was being professional.
Butch Johnson 1
Put here on the NO FLY LIST. Easy way to solve the problem.
preacher1 2
Well, if TSA can't do any better than what they did with the 75 at LAX or wherever, what be the point.
randomguy 0
Then she can get a job in the secure areas of our airports!
Larry Bassett 0
Well, on a lighter side... Maybe since the ORD to DCA route has been branded as anti-Muslim, they will stay off the flight in protest! That would make it so much more desirable for the rest of us :)
Myra Issa 1
And what about the Muslims who don't wear Muslims attire? They should stay off the flight too? Really ignorant of you.
That is why I only view the Aljeezera, Link TV and CC TV because these news medias exaggerates instead of doing thorough investigations especially Fox News, I call them the Bsnd Wagon Broadcasters.
Myra Issa 2
Yes I agree I hate Fox News with a burning passion they lie so much I can't stand it
preacher1 1
Al Jezerra don't lie?
joel wiley 1
Just less than some of our US based stellar TV 'News' companies. Or may just less blatantly obviously and transparently. Then again, how many Fox reporters have died getting and reporting a story compared with Al Jazeera?
Thank you for the proper spelling.....😁
Myra Issa 1
They would have had proof.. I find this hard to believe they aren't just gonna fire someone because of a compliant. There was obviously proof. I really don't believe this person. Why would she randomly start saying that? She was provoked then if Ahmad said that
andy streit 1
on a whim, I decided to check Apparently this flight, operated by Shuttle America, was an E-175/170. The last statement about she pulled out her phone and paid for the internet inspired me a bit. Shuttle America only has wifi on half their planes. Anyway to know if this plane did have it, to crosscheck the anonymous poster?
I thought this was a race card issue from the start. Nice to get the WHOLE story, thanks.
It was a race card issue, as well as a religion card. It's the new Amerikan way...when you can play the victim, trump it up and REALLY play the victim.
randomguy 1
That's cool. Now we have a "she said" on FB and a "he said" on FT. And I really don't care.
Michael Edrei 0
I believe the writer. Some Muslims (not politically correct?) learned to use the western's manners and patience as a weapon, creating havoc and discriminations of their own in colleges and around the country. Spot them and report!
fernando kosop -1
John donaldson explanation is clear, swift and "real"!!! we all must pay very close attention to it because we (the world) are being sold the wrong story all over. those muslim of whatever they call themselves nowadays, are taking the oportunity whenever they can to spread false discrimination on race, religion ethnicity and all those BS on the internet via the so called "social media". too bad only few people will have the oportunity to read this "clean" explanation....and therefore will believe that stupid story told by the "poor muslim lady". ANYWAY,...I did not know MUSLIMS were alowed to drink Coke, diet or Zero....specially because this "drink" comes from THE EVIL NATION they so much proclaim!!!! come on (muslim) lady..nex time take a camel or walk to youir destination IN A COUNTRY THAT IS NOT YOURS!!! and please..TAKE CAMEL MILK with you . stop fuc....up somebodyelse´s work and life.

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AWAAlum 3
A bit extreme, wouldn't you say?
preacher1 0
I'll be with WALLACE24, from one to another, thank you for your service.
AWAAlum 3
Am I interpreting your comment correctly? Are you also saying that because chudddds served, you overlook or agree with his belief this ridiculous behavior over a full can of Coke versus a can that isn't full is a reason to "wipe a couple of these vested ragheadsj out" ? I have a son who served, who volunteered and changed units in order to go to Iraq, so I understand the thanks. But the rest? Pure insanity and the kind of thinking that goes on within IS.
Many vets who really expierece war up close and personal do not come home without prejudice. That's the way it is and should be expected.
AWAAlum 1
I get that. And I suppose it only fair then, to realize the people we were fighting against also sent vets home with the exact same prejudices. But the posting I was personally having a problem with wasn't about prejudice - it was about inflammatory remarks that are waaaaay over the top given the circumstance.
Prejudice isn't turned on and off with circumstances and over the top just depends on your perspective. That's what makes this country special unless the PC police succeed in destroying freedom of speech. Have a good weekend.
preacher1 0
Sounds like it.
sparkie624 3
I thank all Vets and current service men for serving our country.... They are putting there lives on the line so that we can have freedom and have these discussions... That does not mean that I agree with everything they say or do, but they served our great country, and is still the best one out there.
AWAAlum 1
I can't help but wonder how on the one hand you can embrace wiping out a couple of ragheads over this incident while at the same time espouse this recent comment of yours: "Their are 2 places to effect change. Man's way is at the ballot box for any candidate who can win on a platform of returning common sense to things. God's way is at the altar, seeking repentance and a return to a clean heart and mind. Not preaching here; just stating what I feel are obvious facts. Choice is yours."
preacher1 2
I think the ragheads trying to do me harm is the common sense part. To pull our troops out and deny that replacements are not there is head in sand or some other place and has nothing to do with the Lord. I'm outa here for a nap.
AWAAlum 1
And I totally agree with that, Preacher. I only disagree with the idea that killing these people over the absurd coke incident is, well, absurd. And now,, I, too am out.
jacques astre 0
no, not at all. Look what they do to each other. They wouldn't think twice about doing it to you.
AWAAlum 2
Way to think like a terrorist. I hate to resort to this but - if they jumped off a 50 story building that would signal you should too? It's your kind of thinking that generates trouble for our homes and is exactly what we've been fighting against.
sparkie624 3
No, If a Terrorist wants to jump off a 50 story building, I would encourage other terrorist to do the same... :)
T Economou 1
Thanks for your service.
Myra Issa -1
Typical idiot :) no comment to you
jacques astre 0
From the folks who brought us 9/11. Now we tippy toe around their arrogance. Enough!
preacher1 1
Their are 2 places to effect change. Man's way is at the ballot box for any candidate who can win on a platform of returning common sense to things. God's way is at the altar, seeking repentance and a return to a clean heart and mind. Not preaching here; just stating what I feel are obvious facts. Choice is yours.
Larry Gunn -5
All a liar needs is our brainless liberal PC media. Islam gets its message out with bombs, beheadings, and now, BULL.
RECOR10 -5
What morons are down voting these posts? They have to be registered, they have to at least sorta get it. Or, they are simply getting a registration to jack with perception. I dont think anyone with a burka on should be allowed in a plane (if not only for their own protection). I certainly dont tolerate them, plus, most of them stink (as in BO), then again, most of Egypt stinks to....
Myra Issa 1
Seems to like you're a very ignorant person. How would you feel if someone on here attacked what you believed in? How can you sit here and say this stuff? Guess what buddy get over it. You live in America. "Land of the free" I believe everyone has the right to wear and believe what they want and you can sit here and call me a liberal all you want but you aren't my America buddy stop going around spreading hate this is why this crap happened in the first place. Now who should I believe? After what I just read you and larry.. I think I believe the lady who complained
preacher1 1
Well, reference to who wrote this story, one can only post here on FA what someone else has written or published and in most cases, those stories are vetted as best they can be and are posted because they are least close to the poster's beliefs.

Past that, Myra welcome to this side of the world. One thing that you will find prevalent here is that a lot of us here are vets and feel that a right to express one's opinion is a sacred thing. Most of us are mature enough to agree to disagree rather than to argue or get PO'd if someone doesn't agree with us.
preacher1 -1
While God came to save and not condemn, most major religious denominations have missionaries to those of the Muslim faith. Most of these have been rejected, at least results are ineffective. That said, The U.S. did not have a lot of these current day problems until after 911. I believe that is because that somehow, we showed some vulnerability, and that these folks are patient, and were waiting in the wings to strike again.
Jack M -8
Know wonder we can't stand these people.
Kevin Shields -2
Typical liberal media spin the story to make hype!! Was the writer actually on the flight? Does not matter! Liberal media read the social media posts and never looked anywhere else to verify either side of the story!! Plain and simple answer is liberals!!
Have you got proof you were on this flight at all? I have read it all seems a good story but no proof at all or real hard evidence to back this up. Jesus John you should join up with Disney they make good movies and actors love it.
why is this so important that you have to highlight this
charles lucke -1
why didn't the captain invoke sharia law on the aircraft?
Myra Issa 0
huh? That's so irrelevant to this topic moron.
Name calling over a situation in which none of us were present, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, keep it professional.
preacher1 1
To boot, there is no indication that the cockpit crew ever got involved in the at all. As Peter said, this crap goes on all the time. We were lucky in that our bunch was small and mostly same people, knowing everybody's likes and dislikes. While the bird may have looked the same on the outside as the other 75's,we basically gave Boeing the idea for BBJ's. LOL. We did not have to deal with the "unwashed flying public that wanted 5 star service:.LOL
Wayne, I'm kinda thinking riding around in a private 75 is prettymuch 5 star. Lol They just acted like regular people ought too.
preacher1 1
Myra Issa -3
I don't care who you are or what background you come from. if I ever witnessed racist or Inappropriate comments being made by any other passenger or FA I will make a complaint myself.

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sparkie624 3
Answering the SPAMMERS is not the way to do it, because it what happens, they will get kicked off FA and your post will be attached to someone elses comment making it look like you are responding to someone in a negative way when you really did not... The best thing to do is to click the thumbs down (when you do, the down thumb goes RED) and click the 'Report' selection to report them to FA so they get deleted quicker.... Once they get to a -10 the comment is no longer shown.


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