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The FAA Has Cleared the World’s First Flying Car for Takeoff
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded Terrafugia’s Transition “roadable aircraft” a Special Light-Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate. Based in Massachusetts, Terrafugia called the certificate issuance a “significant milestone” for its eventual use in both the air and on the street. The two-seat flying car will need to meet safety standards from the FAA and the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
What happened to the original Aerocar from the 1950s? Doesn't that qualify as the first flying car?
If it sits in the rain, do the wings fill up with water?
Looks to have massive blind spots on either side when the wings are folded for road use.
Brilliant! Where can I get one? I have always wanted a crappy car that can transform into a crappy airplane for more than twice what a decent car and airplane cost!! I can't wait to see what my aviation insurance policy won't cover once it is backed into by an Oldsmobile. I guess my local body shop will be able to duct tape it together so I can put the family back in it for an 83 knot trip across the county at 1500 AGL.
I guess in a Darwanistic way, it might get some bad drivers off the roads...probably never to return.
I guess in a Darwanistic way, it might get some bad drivers off the roads...probably never to return.
I'm guessing you've seen the Pinto version of a flying car?
Anybody think this is the next V-Tail Bonanza?