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Obama Re-Elected: What Will Happen To Aviation Now?
'Anti-Aviation' President Feared by Many In Aviation Industry Well... it appears that the Fat Lady is singing and that Barack Obama, for better or for worse, is about to serve a second term. One of the most controversial men to hold the office (even beyond Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton), we found that while walking the halls of NBAA, a true fear of the future was ever-present among the aviation business community as a result of the consequences of the last few years. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
well u can pay higher taxes,than and that is the only the start.god help us all.
If you can't accept the outcome, then move!
LOL, obama and aviation... If you buy a $50,000 plane, you will probably have to pay 200% taxes... After all, he has to have someway to pay for his vacations.
Aviation will continue to flourish, just as it has for the past 109 years. Some wealthy individuals will, however, have to pay more for the privilege of using their "business jets" to take them to places like Acapulco and Monte Carlo and to transport their cash to their tax-free offshore bank accounts.
Call AOPA in Maryland about the prospect of "user Fees" for general aviation to get the latest info.
ANN has some good articles, usually with the author's byline, but this one has no name associated with it and sounds like something straight from Fox News. Very disappointing that ANN has stooped to fear mongering. "Can aviation survive under Obama?" Give me a break.