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Accident during Young Eagles Field Trip (9G1)
Bonanza out of Rock (9G1) departing with students for a field trip through Young Eagles. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
On the surface Young Eagles sounds like a wonderful organization. In practice its a disaster. It's very poorly run, presenting dangerous conditions on the ramp during events and they don't do background checks on their volunteer pilots before sending them off with a plane full of children.
^ Fact
Something like 1.5 million kids have been able to enjoy their first taste of flight through the program, safely, so that's a pretty broad brush to paint against the program; I've not seen "dangerous conditions on the ramp during events", as the places I've seen have had safety areas/lines and ground crew to help, nor can I imagine what kind of background check would make sure a pilot didn't ever make a mistake... I have had a lot of kids send thank you drawings and letters and pictures and be highly excited at their opportunity to fly, and more than one who said "I'm gonna do that when I grow up". Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but it is a fun and rewarding experience for both the kids and the pilots. One guy running off the end of a runway, as bad as that is, does not make an entire program a disaster.
Overweight perhaps??
Well stated Laura. Thanks for the post.
I can't seem to find out what actually happened. Can anyone enlighten me?