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Senators Ask Officials To Reveal Airlines Unable To Retrofit Their Planes Against 5G Interference Risk Before the Deadline

WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, two senators from the United States demanded that officials provide a comprehensive list of airlines that may fail to meet the deadline to retrofit their planes to prevent any potential interference with the 5G wireless network. ( More...

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john seeler 13
So... Airplanes with radar altimeters have been in use decades before 5g What morons allowed telecom giants to compromise air safety for more powerful cell phones

I am thinking those profiting from 5g should replace our avionics
Citizens Ask Officials To Reveal Senators Unable To Resist Their Limitless Desire for Money, Fame, and Power Now and Forever.

WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, citizens from the United States demanded that the US Senate provide a comprehensive list of senators who may fail to comply with laws designed to prevent insider trading, conflicts-of-interest, and outright criminal fraud.

The citizens have urged swift action to ensure that all existing measures are excercised instead of ignored in order to avoid any potential violations of the law. Republican citizens and democratic citizens alike said many senators could not comply with the law before, during, or after the upcoming elections.

Current floor leaders of the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D) of New York and Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky received a letter from citizens requesting information on the specific senators that could potentially be affected by the political favors required to pay back the enormous sums of money contributed to their respective campaigns by the petroleum, tech, health/pharma, and insurance industries.

"We are concerned that senators who do not comply with the law could negatively impact consumers - both due to ethics violations and/or general aversion to comply with the same basic laws as the rest of us" the letter noted.

"We have identified a risk that must be addressed. We believe we have given the right amount of time to do that, so we have no plans at this point to change the timing," both citizen letter writers told Senators Schumer and McConnell during a hearing on Wednesday.

And so on.
loubearr 1
What does this have to do with 5G?
Peter Fuller 6
Apparently loubearr’s sarcasm detector needs to be recalibrated.
Joe Daskalakis 2
Maybe the 5G is interfering?
WD Rseven -1
Asking Peter Buttgig anything but what kind of ice cream he likes is a waste of time.
jevanb 3
Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Every post/reply you make is full of negativity. This post has nothing to do with 5G and the airlines.
Tim Trosky 2
Don't be so angry. Your comment contributed nothing
srobak 0
and yours contributed less

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Tom Novak 39
"International Air Transport Association (IATA) Director General Willie Walsh said that many US carriers could not meet required measures due to supply chain issues, certification delays, and inevitable logistical challenges." İf those reasons are not enough for you and thinking there should be more, please DYOR.
Roy Hunte 16
Well said Tom.
Jim Allen 13
I agree. Apparently going back to Dev Pal and asking why he approved them in the first damn place if they were known to cause interference is kind of moot at this point. The pandemic is a great excuse for everything at this point.
srobak 4
and it will be used as a scapegoat for generations to come, unfortunately.

James Simms 4
Railroads had major issues in implementing Positive Train Control (PTC) mandated after the September 2008 Chatsworth, California Disaster after a Metrolink Commuter train passed a red indicator signal, colliding head on w/ a Union Pacific freight.

From Wiki: ‘Positive train control (PTC) is a system of functional requirements for monitoring and controlling train movements and is a type of train protection system. Attention was focused almost immediately about the lack of PTC on equipment involved in the Chatsworth collision; Federal Railroad Administrator Joseph H. Boardman told a reporter days after the accident that PTC "would have stopped the train before there was a collision". The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) member leading the investigation also said she was convinced that such a system "would have prevented this accident".

In 2008, Congress passed the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 in direct response to the accident. It required Class I Railroad mainlines with regularly scheduled intercity and commuter rail passenger service to fully implement PTC by December 31, 2015. By 2015, few railroads were anywhere close to implementing PTC and asked for an extension; the deadline was extended to December 31, 2018, with a provision extending compliance to December 31, 2020 if railroads submit plans for doing the work by December 31, 2018. The failure to implement PTC earlier was cited by the Board as a contributing factor in the 2015 Philadelphia train derailment.’
CaptKidd -2
A person can be charged at the state and federal level of the same crime. It is not double jeopardy under the U.S. Constitution.
However most times the given State court will court order out the changes if the Feds have filed their own as usual the state sentence will be eaten up by any Fed sentence time. As sentences are usually run concurrently ( at the same time) with Fed times.
Sometimes the Feds won’t file charges in Federal courts as it is at the decision of the Regional Federal persecutor office.
Source: my last profession at the local jail and paralegal studies degree.
Charles Lindbergh 4
No it is not double jeopardy. Same event but different charges. A cop may be found innocent of beating a suspect at the state level but then be convicted of violating the suspect's civil rights at the federal level. The Rodney King case is the best example.
CaptKidd: something something.

Charles Lindbergh: I agree with CaptKidd's something something assessment.
Voters: BRAVO! BRAVO! POSITIVE TWO STARS! For he's a jolly good fel-low, for he's a jolly good fel-low...

Keep up the good work, fa comment section.
skylab72 1
So what does double jeopardy have to do with 5G?
CaptKidd -4
A person can be charged at the state and federal level of the same crime. It is not double jeopardy under the U.S. Constitution.
However most times the given State court will court order out the changes if the Feds have filed their own as usual the state sentence will be eaten up by any Fed sentence time. As sentences are usually run concurrently ( at the same time) with Fed times.
Sometimes the Feds won’t file charges in Federal courts as it is at the decision of the Regional Federal persecutor office.
Source: my last profession at the local jail and paralegal studies degree.
skylab72 1
And just wtf does double jeopardy have to do with 5G??


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