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Colorado mom reacts to being kicked off plane when 2-year-old refused to wear mask: 'Humiliating'
A Colorado mother who said she and her family were kicked off a United Airlines flight after her 2-year-old daughter refused to keep a mask on told “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Sunday that “the experience was absolutely traumatizing” and “very humiliating.” Eliz Orban took cell video on Friday of a crew member speaking with her husband as he was trying to keep the mask on their daughter. The video, which Orban posted on Twitter, shows her husband telling the crew member that he was holding the… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I certainly sympathize with the family and especially the little girl, but it seems like there was little planning done prior to boarding. They did not bring a familiar mask for the child. Perhaps a blankie or a turtleneck sweater could be pulled over the child's face and sit in the back. Something could have been done that would be comfortable with the child. They didn't think this through and were not proactive to the rule. The pilot is in charge and they could have made arrangement suitable to the pilot when making plans to board. I see it both ways. The fault is not exclusively with the airline. Otherwise, if they can't work it out, rent a car. The rule is not there to terrorize children but to provide some protection to the other passengers.
They didn't plan because, as she said in the interview, they've been flying often and this was the first time the flight crew told them the child needed a mask. They didn't even have one with them. Of course the child balked, with no prep, no "let's play a game" practice, etc. Not that a 2 year old will always play along at the critical time but the bottom line is that these frequent flyers didn't think it would ever be enforced against them.
Not science. masks for the healthy pose serious health risks. If they worked why are there still cases of the virus...of course the PCR test is fraught with unreliability, even according to saint Fauci. Amplified over 34 cycles it becomes useless and over 90% false positives so who can even believe the results reported...who can verify them? That's the dupe, 'case-demic' over an alleged virus with 99% survival rate. Really, reason to vaccinate millions for 1% susceptible? Not science! Vaccine frenzy more sinister goal. As Bill Gates stated, "with vaccines we can reduce polulation by 10-15%"...yes he did! Think twice before you line up for the biochemical. heavy metal, modified RNA, aborted fetal cell, 'cocktail'. No animal testing prior to human testing unprecedented and contrary to vaccine testing protocol. Experimental medical treatment. And vaccine companies are by law not liable for any injury or death from their vaccines. So how eager are you to be a guinea pig?
You're using this forum to spew conspiracy theories. Its dismissed.
You are dismissed
You are dismissed
[This poster has been suspended.]
Yeah, real science when there are gaps all around these cheap, flimsy masks that the average Joe is wearing. Also real science enacting curfews, because science knows that covid only comes out at night ...
And how about the science of removing your masks to eat! What the hell is the point of wearing one then??
And how about the science of removing your masks to eat! What the hell is the point of wearing one then??
I always wondered how the Germans in the 1930's got duped into supporting the Nazis. Well, now I know!
[This poster has been suspended.]
Masks do no good.
[This poster has been suspended.]
And you obviously are not well read. There are two sides to every thing.
There is as much science showing that masks don't stop or help prevent the spread of covid. Some studies show wearing mask may actually increase your chances of getting covid and cause other issues.
I don't care which side you come down on but I would suggest you consider the possibility that maybe there is information the one-sided mainstream media - be it television of social is not presenting.
Try reading all the posts and check the links included in each for fact checking the authors claims. My guess is you won't even read one of them because you are already convinced in your own mind.
As I said, I don't really care where you land. But don't think you have it all figured out and therefore must force your world view on everyone else. One size fits all doesn't work here.
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 1
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 2
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 3
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 4
There is as much science showing that masks don't stop or help prevent the spread of covid. Some studies show wearing mask may actually increase your chances of getting covid and cause other issues.
I don't care which side you come down on but I would suggest you consider the possibility that maybe there is information the one-sided mainstream media - be it television of social is not presenting.
Try reading all the posts and check the links included in each for fact checking the authors claims. My guess is you won't even read one of them because you are already convinced in your own mind.
As I said, I don't really care where you land. But don't think you have it all figured out and therefore must force your world view on everyone else. One size fits all doesn't work here.
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 1
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 2
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 3
The Covid news you aren't supposed to see Pt. 4
FYI science does not come from websites with *.com as a domain.
It is folks like you who are ignorant of reality and make claims based on what they "think" vs. what is fact. Stop making things up - proving you and others like you are not well read.
To the point here is a short example list of .com science websites, there are many more.
One chooses to be ignorant but you can't fix stupid. You choose which word is going to characterize you.
To the point here is a short example list of .com science websites, there are many more.
One chooses to be ignorant but you can't fix stupid. You choose which word is going to characterize you.
With the exception of, those are all decent secondary sources. They provide summaries of current science and more importantly links to the primary, peer-reviewed sources.
It is the peer-reviewed papers that present the hard science. And those papers in turn list numerous sources as support.
Even then, no single paper carries much weight, science is based on consensus.
By the way there are not two sides to everything. All ideas are not created equal. For example there are no viable alternatives to the Laws of Thermodynamics or the Theory of Evolution. There is no valid disputing the fact that masks inhibit the spread of COVID-19 to others.
It is the peer-reviewed papers that present the hard science. And those papers in turn list numerous sources as support.
Even then, no single paper carries much weight, science is based on consensus.
By the way there are not two sides to everything. All ideas are not created equal. For example there are no viable alternatives to the Laws of Thermodynamics or the Theory of Evolution. There is no valid disputing the fact that masks inhibit the spread of COVID-19 to others.
Some further thoughts for you, then I will leave you to your folly.
Science is not based on consensus. Science is based on facts that are reproducible and attempt to explain the world as it is. Consensus is simply agreement by a group of people – right or wrong. Furthermore, consensus does not define truth.
As to alternatives to your examples: Thermodynamics is accepted by virtually everyone because the science behind it has been born out in facts that are reproducible, hence the name "Law of Thermodynamics". No questions or disagreement there.
As to no alternatives to the "Theory of Evolution", the title itself points out a contradiction to your assertion that there are no alternatives to everything. It is a THEORY. A theory that has more problems and raises more questions than the colander in your kitchen has holes. The alternative to the Theory of Evolution is Creation Theory, which admittedly is also theory. No matter which theory one wants to believe in, both require a level of faith. Science fits very well within the Creation Theory.
To accept the theory of evolution requires more faith than to accept that there is a designer - God. This simple theory is rejected by many because of the implication of absolute truth, that there is something greater than ourselves, and that one day all will be accountable for their actions. Not a very popular position in a world that wants to re-define things as basic a male and female.
Mask, or no mask; I don’t believe the benefit of masks offsets the complications. There is no more evidence to say masks do control the spread of COVID than there is showing they don’t. The studies, academics, science, whatever you wish to call it, is there to support both sides. If masks work, feel free to wear one and your good to go.
As I said previously, I don't care what one chooses to believe. One is free to define truth anyway they want and they are free to believe anything they want. It does not change absolute truth and absolute truth doesn’t care what you or I think, nor will it change because of a desire to have a particular outcome.
Believe what you wish, it’s your choice and the consequences of those choices will be yours to bear.
Science is not based on consensus. Science is based on facts that are reproducible and attempt to explain the world as it is. Consensus is simply agreement by a group of people – right or wrong. Furthermore, consensus does not define truth.
As to alternatives to your examples: Thermodynamics is accepted by virtually everyone because the science behind it has been born out in facts that are reproducible, hence the name "Law of Thermodynamics". No questions or disagreement there.
As to no alternatives to the "Theory of Evolution", the title itself points out a contradiction to your assertion that there are no alternatives to everything. It is a THEORY. A theory that has more problems and raises more questions than the colander in your kitchen has holes. The alternative to the Theory of Evolution is Creation Theory, which admittedly is also theory. No matter which theory one wants to believe in, both require a level of faith. Science fits very well within the Creation Theory.
To accept the theory of evolution requires more faith than to accept that there is a designer - God. This simple theory is rejected by many because of the implication of absolute truth, that there is something greater than ourselves, and that one day all will be accountable for their actions. Not a very popular position in a world that wants to re-define things as basic a male and female.
Mask, or no mask; I don’t believe the benefit of masks offsets the complications. There is no more evidence to say masks do control the spread of COVID than there is showing they don’t. The studies, academics, science, whatever you wish to call it, is there to support both sides. If masks work, feel free to wear one and your good to go.
As I said previously, I don't care what one chooses to believe. One is free to define truth anyway they want and they are free to believe anything they want. It does not change absolute truth and absolute truth doesn’t care what you or I think, nor will it change because of a desire to have a particular outcome.
Believe what you wish, it’s your choice and the consequences of those choices will be yours to bear.
Way too many people use theory to describe something they feel is conjecture. Darwin showed that evolution exists. We still have indications of it today with the tongue in cheek award given to people who do stupid things that result in their deaths.