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Bombardier in talks to sell Business Jet Division to Textron
What a win this would be for Textron! The 650 could replace the Hemisphere and adding the 350, 5500, 6500 & 7500 would allow them to compete with Gulfstream and Dassault. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
As a Canadian it saddens me to read this news. It was tough losing the CSeries to Airbus but I always thought Bombardier would keep the business jet business - the crown jewel of the company. They also say Bombardier looking to merge their rail business with Althsom so it looks like the end of a great Canadian industrial giant.
And hopefully an end to the billion or so Canadian Federal tax dollar "gifts" to Quebec..
they might have to discover another way to buy the Quebec voters favor in future.
Much as Air Canada which would have died decades ago without being propped up by the Liberal government...our "tax dollars at work" ð¤
they might have to discover another way to buy the Quebec voters favor in future.
Much as Air Canada which would have died decades ago without being propped up by the Liberal government...our "tax dollars at work" ð¤
Would likely be the end of the Learjet if this goes ahead.
I'd hate to see this happen. It would mean the end for the iconic Learjet brand.
I swear, if they get rid of this, not only will bombardier lose their business jets, but we may never see the beautiful Citation Hemisphere.
This isn't going to end well for the employees of Textron or Bombardier.