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Emirates Could Store 45 Planes In Coming Weeks Due To Pilot Shortage
Emirates is currently dealing with an issue in unprecedented numbers. Specifically, Emirates pilots are quitting to go work elsewhere. The airline has always had some level of turnover, but they’ve never had anything to this degree. Emirates’ president said that the airline is “a tad short on pilots,” which is perhaps the understatement of the year. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Very simple: You don't want Pilots to go elsewhere, give them better conditions!
What, like air conditioning? The current working conditions must be terrible.
From what I understand, flying for Emirates isn't exactly paradise. The article alluded to that to a degree. The 'joy' of flying an A380 will fade away sooner rather than later.
Emirates are too dam picky, they created their own shortage.
If I were only younger.
Same here, I would sign up in a heart beat.