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CF-18 Crash at Lethbridge Amateur Video
Video taken of a CF-18 which crashed while performing a low speed, low pass. The pilot ejected and is reported to be well. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I can't believe someone yelled out "woo hoo!" They probably thought it was part of the show. After I did some looking, I recognized this plane. 188738 stationed in Quebec with the 433rd. I've seen it here in the States at airshows.
Some remarkable pics of this incident available here: .
That is the worst amateur video EVER! Google search this one guys, much better videos out there.
I like the lady's comment at the end... "was that supposed to happen" haha
WOW, there goes millions of our tax money up in smoke. And all in the name of ENTERTAINMENT.
Who ever asked "Is that supposed to happen," should be slapped silly haha
Here is the link.