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Airbus Inaugurates First U.S. Final Assembly Line in Mobile, Alabama - Photos & Stort
Airbus opened its first U.S. Assembly line for the A320 family - the first for the European manufacturer and the first jetliner built on U.S. soil by a foreign owned company. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Well, they bought out McDonnell-Douglas and got fat and happy with no stateside competition. I don't believe they'll do that with these folks. Just as there are Boeing drivers that couldn't stand to look at an MD product of any kind, those same feelings are there for the Bus. Good or bad, they are here to stay. Suck it up and get over it.
I agree. I was a Douglas fan since C47 days. Never a Boeing fan until the 727.
I have heard everybody talk about that one but never had the pleasure. I went from the 707 straight into the 757. That was my baby for about 23 years.
Kafir us is not the first European manufacturer on US Soil; Anthony Fokker did that in 1927. And build the Fokker F27a which was later copied by Ford Motor. Hopefully, the initiative for Airbus will keep aviation a competive market for jobs in the USA.
I have been privileged to have an inside view as other European manufacturers established factories in the US, especially BMW. The positive effect they have on the region around them is amazing. Good luck to Airbus.
It's simply amazing. You can look at foreign factories from today and look at ours 30-40 years ago and the bottom line is, we just got lazy and work ethic went to blazes. They are doing things the way we used to. All I ever heard growing up from my dad was that I want you to have it better than I did. He said he had heard it from his dad. I figure to some degree folks overseas are hearing it too. In years to come, they'll be the same way.
There is some Chinese saying I heard once that family wealth on last three generations.