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FAA Orders Urgent Inspections for Boeing 747 Lightning Protection System

The FAA has issued an airworthiness directive requiring inspections of the lightning protection system on all U.S.-registered Boeing 747 aircraft. The move follows Boeing’s recommendation for inspections due to the degradation of key components in the system. These components play a critical role in preventing ignition sources during lightning strikes near fuel tanks. ( More...

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jbermo 7
"applicable to 211 U.S.-registered aircraft . . . Globally, there are 402 747s in service, with an additional 56 in storage . . . fewer than 100 of these in-service models carry passengers" These are interesting B-747 stats.
Adam Steadman 5
I’m surprised that there was no mention of the two presidential 747s that fly as Air Force One. I would hope these have already been fully tested and repaired.
Dale Johnson 1
Those birds are pretty old, one is nearly 40 years old, the airplanes I mean
Jim Allen 1
I think if they’re hardened against EMP they got this one covered. Or should I say I hope…

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

C172Rpilot 2
Hmm....why didn't they ask for an urgent inspection and recall and/or grounding of all the 747s in service when TWA 800 exploded in mid-air due to a fuel wiring issue....if you can believe that??
jbermo 6
Because 800 was not lightning-related.
Dale Johnson 3
shorted wiring inside a fuel tank. Fuel vapor ignited.
John Prukop -4
Dale Johnson 2
RIGHT!! Don't pass mis-information.
John Prukop -3
It wasn't "mis-information" - DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE RESEARCH.
Dale Johnson 3
You're passing nonsense and you know it. Just stop it.
John Prukop -4
You're totally FULL of yourself. Typical Libtard who doesn't care about FACTS.
Dale Johnson 3
You don't have any "facts". You just type nonsense. You are a typical conspiracy advocate who posts nonsense to keep relevant.
John Prukop -5
Stick this up your Libtard dress!

Confirmed: US Navy Shot Down TWA-800, Families File Suit:

More evidence including a whistleblower have confirmed that the U.S. Navy did indeed shoot down TWA Flight 800 in the Atlantic as it left New York, and the CIA and the New York Times worked to cover it up, explained renowned investigative reporter Jack Cashill in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Families of the victims have now filed a lawsuit against the government as a result of the FOIA documents that have emerged thanks to the work of tireless researchers. According to Cashill, this was a tragic accident by the U.S. Navy as it was testing out new technology to shoot down planes and missiles. Under pressure from the CIA, the FBI played a key role in covering up the truth, and the dishonest New York Times carried water for the cover-up, highlighting the power of the "Deep State."
Dale Johnson 4
SFAR 88 and Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction Rule

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the combination of a latent failure inside the center fuel tank and a subsequent single failure of the FQIS wiring or components outside the fuel tank was the most likely ignition source inside the center fuel tank that resulted in the TWA Flight 800 explosion. After the TWA 800 accident, we issued AD 99–03–04, Amendment 39–11018 (64 FR 4959, February 2, 1999), and AD 98–20–40, Amendment 39–10808 (63 FR 52147, September 30, 1998), mandating separation of the FQIS wiring that penetrates the fuel tank from high power wires and circuits on the classic Boeing 737 and 747 airplanes. Those ADs resulted in installation of Transient Suppression Units (TSUs), Transient Suppression Devices (TSDs), or Isolated Fuel Quantity Transmitter (IFQT) as a method of compliance with the AD requirements.

Now stop with your nonsense. There was no evidence of external missile explosion. It's been covered over and over again.
John Prukop -1
How will YOU KNOW when your government has lied to you? Or are you able to discern the LIES from the TRUTH? Wanna see LIES in action? Watch "COVERUP: THE IRAN CONTRA AFFAIR" narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery. There was Reagan with a straight face on the TEL-A-LIE-VISION telling LIES. And CONgress covered up those lies.
Victor Hugo 6
You learn from your mistakes.
Jim Allen 5
It only explodes if there are naval exercises within 100 nautical miles…
Jaime Terrassa 1
I would like to know how long they have been flying that way.
Cleffer 1
Seems to be important....
John Prukop -6
This sounds like more propaganda to prop-up the FALSE AND FAILED causal factors of a center-fuel tank 'spark' in wiring as having caused the crash of TWA-800 on July 17, 1996 which was in fact caused by two U.S. Navy surface to air missiles slicing off the nose of that B747 just ahead of the wing root.
Dale Johnson 6
It's been covered over and over again. A wiring short inside a fuel tank ignited fuel vapors.
John Prukop -4
You haven't a clue what you're talking about. You've been seriously seriously mis-guided by the media and your TEL-A-LIE-VISION set. The U.S. Navy was conducting exercises and TWA-800 was brought down my an expanding warhead sidewinder. Better watch the documentary "Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice" here: - or on YouTube:

Also see: Confirmed: US Navy Shot Down TWA-800, Families File Suit:

More evidence including a whistleblower have confirmed that the U.S. Navy did indeed shoot down TWA Flight 800 in the Atlantic as it left New York, and the CIA and the New York Times worked to cover it up, explained renowned investigative reporter Jack Cashill in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Families of the victims have now filed a lawsuit against the government as a result of the FOIA documents that have emerged thanks to the work of tireless researchers. According to Cashill, this was a tragic accident by the U.S. Navy as it was testing out new technology to shoot down planes and missiles. Under pressure from the CIA, the FBI played a key role in covering up the truth, and the dishonest New York Times carried water for the cover-up, highlighting the power of the "Deep State."
John Taylor 3
So I suppose the Wisconsin Air National KC-135 that blew up on the ground due to a centerwing fuel pump overheating was the US Navy as well. Or perhaps the Illinois Air National Guard KC-135 the blew up inflight twenty miles out from O'Hare due to an overheated aft body fuel pump killing 25 in 1982 was the US Navy. GTFO man.
John Prukop -1
Not even the slightest related to what happened to TWA-800. When in your wildest dreams did the FBI ever SUPERCEDE AND HI-JACK the NTSB's jurisdiction? FBI doesn't have jurisdiction to investigate - it's the job of the NTSB. Why did the CIA create a made-for-TV cartoon showing a noseless 747 contiunue to climb? The CIA & FBI were complicit in the cover-up, along with the NTSB's final report to hide the true cause of the downing of TWA-800, which was caused by an expanding warhead missile fired from a U.S.Navy ship.
Dale Johnson 2
You are a purveyor of misinformation. I can only think of one reason for your BS. You must have a book to sell and want to make some money off of the poor souls that died on that airplane. People like you are like ambulance chasers the most disgusting kind.
John Prukop -1
As Barnum-Bailey said, "THERE'S A FOOL BORN EVERY MINUTE!" You're it. I don't have a book to sell. 230 souls still cry out from the Atlantic Ocean, along with their loved ones for justice, which has been found wanting with LIES by the corporate-media-military-government complex. NTSB lied. Period.


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