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What is a TaxiBot?
Schiphol Airport wants to automate taxiing from the gate to the runway. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Reducing nitrogen emissions? There's nothing wrong with nitrogen emissions. I guess they mean nitrogen oxides.
Thanks for fact checking on that. Nitrogen oxides are harmful. I'll double check and make that change to the story.
How will this affect safety though? Surely starting the engine earlier gives you more time to notice issues.
if this method will taxi A380's, think of the hundreds of liters that will not be burned in taxi. THis is so obviously rational and reasonable, that it is well overdue to be put into opration.
It doesn't just save on fuel, it should provide better air for the passengers as well. If you've ever been to an airport where long queues of planes are taxiing, you are familiar with having to breathe all that backwash air.
This was discussed as an option back in the 90s and then went quiet.
You are so right about the savings on fuel burn.
You are so right about the savings on fuel burn.
Appreciate all the good feedback from readers.
A380 will be out of the picture in a little while. Significant gains will be realized based on a high volume of adoption over time (ie: lots of flights of all types of aircraft). Although the environmental pitch is nice, this is as much about cost and ticket prices as anything else. With the current insane spike, no surprise this story is in the news again. My 2 cents.