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Electric Airplanes Won’t Make Much of a Dent in Air Travel for Decades to Come
Reason: Batteries are nowhere near able to sustain wide-body airliners over flights measuring in the thousands of kilometers Exaggeration has become the default method for news reporting, and the possibility of commercial electric flight has been no exception, with repeated claims that these new planes will utterly change how we live. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Until battery storage technology becomes much more efficient and much LIGHTER this will only work for very small airframes. A 777? Not so much. Better and cleaner jet Engine technology should be the focus. Electric powered large aircraft is decades away. If ever.
Not in my lifetime at least. Portable fusion reactors or the flux capacitor must be developed before electric passenger aircraft will ever be viable.
No magic bullet? I for one am shocked!
This is a very dead subject and to do so for anything other than very short run AC. Even that has proven not to work using a modified C208 converted the two test AC are up for sale. Ho hum is about all that can be said about this deal.
I disagree it is "a very dead subject". The industry should continue to research ways to overcome oil dependency. It can't last forever.
That is so much bullshit. There will never be an oil shortage, wasnt 40 yrs ago will never be. You have to come up with a better reason to shut down oil, shortage or environment, both bull.
Here's a thought, how about investing in nuclear for large, static demand scenarios like powering our electric grid instead of using fossil fuels and whimsical solar/wind generation. Then reserving the high density power capabilities of fossil fuels for more demanding, mobile scenarios like aviation. And electric vehicles still have a long way to go to replace IC vehicles for all current uses. I actually don't see one in my near future until those issues are resolved.
Yep, nukes are the ONLY answer.