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The Latest: More US airlines requiring employee vaccinations

American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and JetBlue are joining United Airlines in requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as the Biden administration steps up pressure on major U.S. carriers to require the shots. The airlines provide special flights, cargo hauling and other services for the government. The companies say that makes them government contractors who are covered by President Joe Biden’s order directing contractors to require that employees be vaccinated. ( More...

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Jack Poole 8
Science is not science any more. People are interpreting the results with a particular perspective to achieve their desired results. Amazing how people cannot think for themselves anymore.
Duane Mader 10
If you get vaccinated you probably have a better chance of survival if you’re over 65 and get COVID-19
It doesn’t prevent you from carrying the virus or getting Covid. It doesn’t stop the spread at all. It probably won’t work in a year or so as the virus mutates to survive all those who are vaxxed.
I don’t criticize anyone for getting it or for not getting it. I despise those who have squelched information on side effects (VAERS) and those who have prevented people from taking harmless therapeutic drugs that have been shown to work.
Shawn Jipp 2
Ivermectin not shown to help in scientific large studies. Prevention is always better than treatment, ask any doctor!
Duane Mader -2
There are double blind studies in Europe that disagree. In Japan they are giving out prophylacticly. I personally know people who it has helped. But make sure that you don’t take something cheap and effective that robs big pharma. Pfizer is working on a therapeutic that is similar. The big difference is that it will have a patent for them and make them a pile of money.
Matt Mahoney 3
But there have already been double-blinded tests on the current vaccine available. Trump fans can applaud him for Operation Warp speed, and those against him can applaud the science. Both sides win. Not sure why anyone is arguing.
Duane Mader 1
In listening to Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA Technology, the vaccines tend to produce strong antibodies that are targeted to a specific virus. The vaccines will be less effective as the virus mutates
All that said there are quite a few deaths of people soon after vaccination and I’ve seen a couple of bad heart problems with people I know. Use a search engine other than google and search “Moderna + second shot + heart”
Use your best judgment, the answer for you will depend on your health situation
Shawn Jipp -2
Science, our veterinarian, and our doctor disagree with your opinion! Have discussed with them. Initial study was very flawed. Look for recent studies with a large sample size.
DonDengler -1
Statistics. Schmatistics Who determines an age as anything. We do not know our fate. There are so many stupid people out there. Watch Leave it to Beaver and you might learn something worthwhile.
It only takes one dog to control a herd of sheep.
Ken Lane 4
Quite true. And, we have no shortage of sheep with many of them being liberal idiots on this site.

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Dan Grelinger 1
Obvious TDS.
DonDengler -9
And you’re the female version....hahahah
DonDengler 1
Viva President Trump!
Robert Mack 1
(smiling here, a bazillion upvotes, Bonnie)!
TVLInc 9
Natural immunity? There’s something wrong when an issue is forced and reason is ignored. Treatments ignored, ie ivermectin This is such a decisive topic and people on both sides have misinformation. Media complicit. it makes no sense to force this; it does not prevent from contracting nor from spreading, survival rate over 99% and unknown side effects, no knowledge of long-term effects~ If this is accepted it is a slippery slope…
Frosty1025 5
You comply because you want it to end.
But it is because of your compliance that it will never end.
Compliance does not give you liberty, compliance only merits you another jab!
Duane Mader 7
Project Veritas secretly recorded Pfizer officials admitting that natural immunity was probably better.
It is so hard to believe there are so many people who discard science, advice from professionals and must be watching and listening to 'Entertainment' news instead of authentic news sources and honest investigative journalists. No wonder we are in the state we're in - can we at least agree that the right to vote is the priority right now? Scares me to think there are so many blind people flying the skys with us!
Not to mention these same stoned idiots are menacing our lives driving on our highways.

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Are you even honest enough to use your real name?
Huck Finn -4
You're talking about the same science that gave Germany Dr. Mengele. Now the NIH want to experiment with small children.

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Not at all!
Rex Bentley 4
Your government loves you, suckers.
DonDengler -1
Don’t they though. I have a bridge to sell ‘ya.......hahaha
This will bring out the anti-xaxxer snowflakes
Tim Dyck 5
I’m not an antivaxer but I disagree with compulsory vaccinations. If the vaccine actually prevented catching, spreading and dying from COVID19 this might make sense but the vaccines are not performing as they should and should not be pushed like they are.
George Cottay 6
Based on my reading it seems at least two or three of widely available vaccines are performing BETTER than excepted.
Tim Dyck 0
I don’t know we’re you got your numbers but looking at CDC data the vaccines are performing way below expectations. What is worse though is many vaccinated people are able to have the virus without symptoms and pass the virus on to vulnerable people who cannot have the vaccination or are vaccinated but the vaccine is ineffective in them.
Duane Mader 3
You will get down votes on this forum for stating that truth. Reality isn’t popular right now
DonDengler -4
Depends what you’re reading. Sounds like excerpts from Don Lemon
Chuck Lavazzi 5
In fact, they are doing exactly what they're supposed to do: substantially reduce your chance of infection and serious illness. This is all vaccines have ever done and all they have ever been expected to do.

Well, in reality anyway.

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Tim Dyck 2
Oh WOW you made a funny from my name. I haven’t seen that kind of immaturity since elementary school. Way to go, do you want a star?
You just called a Korea vet a snowflake. Imagine what I'm calling you at this moment
Robert Mack 1
(honored for your service, Sir, and totally agree!! USMC Vet / Expat Contractor)
Chuck Lavazzi -1
A quick glance at the comment thread confirms that. Also the paranoid fascist terrorists spouting whatever their Great Leader's media surrogates tell them to believe today. No thought occurs there.
EllisBabenois 2
Are you speaking from your "safe space"?
DonDengler 3
Too many side effects. Won’t know until you do. Who is Joe Biden to order anyone to do anything ?

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President or dictator? Asking for a friend who hasn't seen anything like this in 73.
ewrcap -2
No. Not since January 6th 2021
Are you referring to The Antifa and BLM folks carrying Trump flags and wearing MAGA hats?
He meant Trumps fascist goons.
isababe M 6
Hmmm, no is the pretendpresident, HE STOLE THE ELECTION, stealing is not winning, have a nice day!
If you think Biden is running things, you are horribly uninformed. His socialist/communist cabinet and advisors are doing the hard work of putting words on teleprompters.
Huck Finn 2
The vegetable Joe Biden was illegally elected by the swamp. Now, He IS the fake president.
DonDengler 0
DonDengler -3
Leave your liberal views out of this.
Chuck Lavazzi -1
Only after you leave out your fascist paranoia.
EllisBabenois -1
Open your eyes.
Huck Finn 3
I am awaiting the day the massive class action lawsuit will be initiated against any and all businesses and government agencies for forcing vaccinations on people.
I had Co-Vid. It amounted to 10 days of a runny nose a lot of drainage. My normal daily activities were not affected. Had I taken the vaccine I might have died. No where in the annals of American medicine is there any mention of forced medical procedures, other than such are prohibited. Vaccine mandates are illegal. If you think otherwise you are on the road to Communism. I am 87 and carry 130 pounds on my 5'6" body.
Tim Dyck 3
10 days of a runny nose? Wow it hit you harder then it hit me. I had about 4 days of cold like symptoms and a sore back.
In all seriousness this virus does hit people differently, most are like us with nothing more then a bad cold but a smaller percentage develope pneumonia and out of them there are those who end up in hospital and a few even die. It is more serious then seasonal flue but it is also not bad enough for the amount of draconian measures we are seeing.
You must still be po’d over that measles shot they gave you in 1st grade.
EllisBabenois 1
Not remotely relevant to the current situation.
DonDengler -2
So you had the common cold. Your point ?
In the meantime Joe is letting every diseased illegal into the USA. How come you libs aren’t squawking about this? Duh
Ken Lane 2
More airline idiots who hate liberty.
Bob Hamilton 1
Protecting both employees and the public is an excellent idea. 90%+ of current hospitalizations are unvaccinated.. The math is obvious - the logic of the Anti-Vaxer’s is not.
Deb atkinson 2
you only know what they feed you...why suppress any opinions if it doesn't risk the truth?
Duane Mader 5
It would be nice if CV19 was like polio or smallpox and the vaccine would stop the spread. Unfortunately Covid is more like the flu and mutates around the vaccine. Neither is the “vaccine” a simple killed virus vaccine like polio or smallpox with known side effects.
Huck Finn 4
This endorsement paid for by the makers of vaccines and the CDC.
isababe M 3
Please do your own research and stop reading and listening to the MSM, will discover that most hospitalized are vaccinated...also you will be shocked to find out, how many people are dying from blood clots and heart issues within days and weeks of getting the shot.....Hospitals are getting very well compensated for every covid patient they admit...oh and if a patient dies from a car accident and test positive for covid using the tests that we all know are 100% unreliable, that death is recorded as a covid death....connect the dots...
Tim Dyck 1
Sorry but not 90%, more closer to 50% we’re we live, but we also have a high percentage of people vaccinated so a bigger pool for the virus to hit. But even if it was 90% then the other 10% show the failure of the vaccine to protect people which is what really needs to be adressed.
DonDengler -2
If you believe numbers , I have something to sell ya’. I can make you millions! Hahaha
These boobs must be nostalgic for that iron lung they were cheated out of by that communist Dr. Jonas Salk.
s s 1
Then be sure to keep on getting those endless boosters just like good ol' Joe tells you! Heck, he even got one for himself sitting on a set that's made to look like he's in the White House!

Yep, it's better to "mandate" from a fake White House with fake windows showing digital images of flowers. Home of the brave, baby, home of the brave.
Duane Mader 6
Hard to trust them when lying is their standard modus operandi isn’t it?
EllisBabenois 4
& there is no such thing as "Fully Vaccinated". They'll keep moving the posts for them that have just signed up for a lifetime of Big pHarma goodies. The strongest immunity you have won't stand a chance with the barrage of pharmaceuticals they want to pump into you over and over and over...
DonDengler 2
Joe is actually being injected with
Robert Mack 2
(if only) ...
Duane Mader 1
He’s so lifelike 👍
Deb atkinson 1
Does it matter that Biden is violating the law and the constitution? Are the airlines so consumed with greed that they can't stand up against this tyranny before every last one of our liberties are completely eradicated. Free speech(deactivated media platforms which contradict mainstream media))...gone, restriction of movement with no valid grounds for doing so except control. Think about it for one moment. Some may agree with Biden this time. What happens when he restricts something you don't agree upon. Its not about the Pandemic... It's a tool to used to strip away America of her cherished way of life. The pandemic is not your enemy!!!
Tim Dyck 0
I can’t support this vaccine because it’s not doing what it is supposed too. When they came out last December we were told they were 95% or more effective at preventing COVID19 but we are seeing a high percentage of vaccinated people catching and even dying from COVID19.
We need a vaccine that works!
Peter McGrath 5
Or at MINIMUM, a treatment that works! If it's Ivermectin or something else that doesn't make the elites BILLIONS of dollars, then that's what it is. Tired of drug manufacturer's "ordering" people and now children to "take their shot"! "LET'S GO BRANDON!"
Philip Lanum -1
Ivermectin is manufactured by Merck which is part of "Big Pharma".

It is making "the Elites" big money and doing nothing but harm. When taken at horse dosage, it strips the lining of the intestines -> wormy stools.
Yes. What a shame. Protecting your fellow man and the economy from disease.
Huck Finn -2
The disease is liberalism.
It’s a darned shame that the anti-vaccers who die from C-19 won’t be able to vote for the Bone Spur Commando again.
Karl Holfeld 4
thats because the only dead people that vote, support liberals
Steve Lyautey -3
Hatred much? Five year old name calling and sarcastic glee over people dying does nothing to elevate the discussion level.
Screw these airlines. Flight crews need to do a walkout and strike like the unions do for their cause. The vaccine attracts the virus. Vaxxed people ofter catch the virus. For the unvaxed, Their body; their choice. I see people driving in their cars, alone, with a mask on. I wonder, do they lie in bed alone wearing a condom?
Griff Griffin 1
They'll be sorrrrryyyyyy!!!
Robin Bidwell -3
Having family who did NOT get the vaccine die, I think any company that requires the shots is using science not phony misinformation.
It only takes watching a loved one die from this horrible virus to become a believer.
Frosty1025 2
I know three people that got the Covid flu. The got monoclonal antibodies and then hydrochloroquine and rest and survived. No COVID vaccine. I know eight people that got the Covid vaccine, two got the Covid flu six months after the second jab, they got monoclonal antibodies and then hydrochloroquine and rest and survived. Two of the last eight are having secondary adverse effects to the vaccine, namely heart problems that they did not have before.

The Covid vaccine is only Emergency use only. The FDA approved version is just coming into production now. I am not against taking the Covid vaccine as long as it is voluntary and not mandated or coerced.

The real proof will be in one to three years when the long term effects start showing off. Remember it took over twenty years for the government to admit that Agent Orange caused long term medical disability effects and premature death. And that was not injected, but just exposure. So these non-vaccines are being injected into the body with no long term animal studies, just emergency use approval. So those that want it can have it, just do not make it mandatory, because, just taking it does not guarantee that one will not get the Covid flu in the future. So therefore, it is not a vaccine. You are not inmune after taking it, which is what a vaccine is supposed to do.
Duane Mader 2
I’ve personally seen people I know get very sick. Now I’ve also seen people have horrible side effects from the vaccine. When something like this is unleashed on the world there may be no perfect options. Getting vaxxed has a low risk but possible serious consequences. Not getting vaxxed has a pretty low risk but possible serious consequences.
Sorry to be such a ray of sunshine.
Deb atkinson 1
This is not about what the vaccine does or doesn't do... Look past that to see that our rights to our bodies and civil liberties are being violated. Cigarettes kill too, but they don't ban it, they just put a warning for big boys and girls to decide for themselves.
W P -2
It's a crap shoot either way. Except if you don't get the jab you don't have to worry about any adverse reactions.
Duane Mader 3
Kinda what I’m saying but you might be someone who gets very sick from Covid. Right now I’ve seen bad outcomes from both choices.
W P -1
Good luck to the airlines, they're going to need it when pilots start having heart attacks and strokes mid air.
avionik99 -3
Lets not and say we did!
Ken Thompson 5
Don’t be a coward. If you’re not going to get the vaccine, OWN IT! Even more pathetic than not getting it is pretending that you did.
Deb atkinson 2 man and stand up for your free choice of body and liberty.. fight for your right to tell it like it is without fear of retaliation. Our fellow man, just as the ones back in communist Germany are the true fear ridden, herd following enemy who will betray you in the end.
Chuck Lavazzi 1
Well, that broke MY irony meter.
DonDengler 1
Yea for SW Pilots ! Hoping rest of the USA follows. FJB.
Carla Bass 1
I support their decision to stand up against the mandate 100%. The airlines saying that government contracts are the reason for the mandate is a bunch of hogwash, just a lame excuse. Good luck pilots & all airline employees. There are a lot of people that agree with you.
Noah Stabler 0
A shame, really.
DonDengler -3
This is the new Opiad pharmaceutical reap. Pharmas are reaping the billions in on this one now called Covid Vaccine. Free shots. Hmmmm...
Paid for by the Parma’s biggest pusher. Joe Biden.
waynej007 2
lets go Brandon!
DonDengler -1
Shame on UAL abs the rest ! Fly Delta !
Many hospitals are losing medical professionals who refuse the JAB. I trust them more than the CEO of American Airlines. It should be a personal choice, If you don't think so, read the Nuremberg Codes, the Nuremberg codes stipulate Consent MUST BE VOLUNTARY...threatening someone's forbidden. There are Thousands of medical professionals in Europe setting up for Nuremburg Trials.
You Can't sue The Vaccine Makers, They ARE Exempt.....BUT NOT EMPLOYERS. THIS WITHIN 3 YEARS WILL MAKE THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST Pale In Comparison.....Within 3 Years....2.5 To 3 Billion Dead. 8 Pilots in Europe Died in the air From The Jab, Think about that the next time you fly American Or United. Remember This , There Is A Reason Why There Are always 2 Pilots, With 2 Pilots, One Goes Down, You Still Have A Chance To Live....With Only 1 Pilot, He Or She Goes Down....YOU ARE DEAD.
Frosty1025 1
I have family or acquaintances that work in hospitals. They are being required vaccinations or being fired. Three are being fired. Will work in a medical private practice where mandatory vaccination is not required. One got a religious exemption approved. One gave in and will wait for the FDA covid approved vaccine, because only that one is supposed to make the manufacturer liable for any adverse effects and only under that condition. So she has been allowed to continue employment until the new Pfizer FDA Covid vaccine is on the market. I hope she reconsiders, but it is her choice.
DonDengler 0
Dick Hale -6
Freedumb... what an perfect example of stupid over common good. Please don't get the vaccine, there is a housing shortage!
Deb atkinson 1
Common good??? you sound like a disciple of Tyranny.. not the American dream which millions of People fought and lost their lives for


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