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The Latest: More US airlines requiring employee vaccinations
American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and JetBlue are joining United Airlines in requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as the Biden administration steps up pressure on major U.S. carriers to require the shots. The airlines provide special flights, cargo hauling and other services for the government. The companies say that makes them government contractors who are covered by President Joe Biden’s order directing contractors to require that employees be vaccinated. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Science is not science any more. People are interpreting the results with a particular perspective to achieve their desired results. Amazing how people cannot think for themselves anymore.
If you get vaccinated you probably have a better chance of survival if you’re over 65 and get COVID-19
It doesn’t prevent you from carrying the virus or getting Covid. It doesn’t stop the spread at all. It probably won’t work in a year or so as the virus mutates to survive all those who are vaxxed.
I don’t criticize anyone for getting it or for not getting it. I despise those who have squelched information on side effects (VAERS) and those who have prevented people from taking harmless therapeutic drugs that have been shown to work.
It doesn’t prevent you from carrying the virus or getting Covid. It doesn’t stop the spread at all. It probably won’t work in a year or so as the virus mutates to survive all those who are vaxxed.
I don’t criticize anyone for getting it or for not getting it. I despise those who have squelched information on side effects (VAERS) and those who have prevented people from taking harmless therapeutic drugs that have been shown to work.
Ivermectin not shown to help in scientific large studies. Prevention is always better than treatment, ask any doctor!
There are double blind studies in Europe that disagree. In Japan they are giving out prophylacticly. I personally know people who it has helped. But make sure that you don’t take something cheap and effective that robs big pharma. Pfizer is working on a therapeutic that is similar. The big difference is that it will have a patent for them and make them a pile of money.
But there have already been double-blinded tests on the current vaccine available. Trump fans can applaud him for Operation Warp speed, and those against him can applaud the science. Both sides win. Not sure why anyone is arguing.
In listening to Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA Technology, the vaccines tend to produce strong antibodies that are targeted to a specific virus. The vaccines will be less effective as the virus mutates
All that said there are quite a few deaths of people soon after vaccination and I’ve seen a couple of bad heart problems with people I know. Use a search engine other than google and search “Moderna + second shot + heart”
Use your best judgment, the answer for you will depend on your health situation
All that said there are quite a few deaths of people soon after vaccination and I’ve seen a couple of bad heart problems with people I know. Use a search engine other than google and search “Moderna + second shot + heart”
Use your best judgment, the answer for you will depend on your health situation
Science, our veterinarian, and our doctor disagree with your opinion! Have discussed with them. Initial study was very flawed. Look for recent studies with a large sample size.