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'Autonomous flight is closer than you think': Reliable Robotics CEO
Technology is making gains in autonomous flight. Ongoing work with Cessna 208 Caravan shows promise. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
No pilot/pilots=no passengers!
. . . then, by all means, enjoy your walk to Honolulu when in 2040.
Wholeheartedly agree! It’s not whiz bang tech’s LIVES! Mine, yours, your parents, your children. How many proponents would put their own loved ones on a test bed for this kind of thing???
They don't expect anyone on a testbed. But, just as the X-1A was only for the brave, people were lined up for the Concord 20 years later and technology moves 10X faster today. Just look at the line of people waiting to get a ride into space. People will fly on the product that's out there. That's been well proven. There are plenty of people still today who refuse to fly who I do look down on because I'm up there. Feel free to join them whenever you wish.
Testbed = real live passengers on pilotless plane. Concord had pilots. Duh!
underestimating the exponential advance of technology is common. 100 years ago there were many people who spoke as you did about flying in planes in general; "If God would have wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings." The question is not 'IF' Passenger planes will be autonomously flown, it is 'WHEN'. It certainly may be much farther in the future than some postulate, but it will eventually happen. As computer 'pilots' advance in capability, there will be a breakeven point at which accidents 'caused' by computer pilots are reduced to below the number caused by human pilot error. There certainly will be people uncomfortable with this concept, just as there are people that would never trust an autonomously driven automobile. But observations indicate that many people will accept the new technology readily. Those people who don't... Will eventually age and die, being replaced by those who grew up with machine-intelligent autonomous capabilities.
This technology is cool, and will help with things like Amazon using drones to deliver packages, but people should never get on board an autonomous aircraft.