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American Airlines' Tiny New Bathrooms Test Limits Of What U.S. Passengers Will Put Up With
25 seconds. 24 inches. Neither is very large in terms of time or space. But both are huge indicators of just what travelers from different cultures are and are not willing to endure. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Yet here's another FOWL ODOR out of American Airlines drive to make more profits. Pure Greed on their parts to treat people like this. Folks remember VOTE with your Wallet and fly any airline that you can, and tell American airlines to shove this toilet up their BUTTS.
Delta is no better. I flew HNL-LAX and believe me that if I had eaten their first class meal, I would not be capable of entering their lavatory.
Oh, please, don't be so impersonal - its not a generic all inculsive THEIR. Lets be much more specific and truthful - its the CEO and senior operational officers who contrived this exploitation (rape) of their customers. This kind of corruption always emanates from the overpaid, under qualified crap at the top. They have no clue and certainly plenty of disrequard for the fundamental fact that many of their customers are far better educated and experienced than they and certainly in the aggregate it is absolutely no contest. I suppose the morons were assuming we individually and as an enormously observant and analytic aggragate would not notice. But then again thats what vastly overpaid exectutive staff do - make stupid half-witted decisions but certainly reflecting contempt and disrequard. On the other hand they are beholden to that other massively corrupt industry that diverts most of our hard earned retirement contributions to their own end with plenty of reserves to ensure kickbacks and payoffs- Wall Street.
Now that waterboarding is off limits the CIA should force people to talk by threatening to fly them on AA from NYC to LA.
Now you've done it!
This WAS a top secret program carefully crafted by the 'agency' to once and for all significantly reduce the threat of terror (terrorize the terrorists). Now that it's out, well, we'll see.
This WAS a top secret program carefully crafted by the 'agency' to once and for all significantly reduce the threat of terror (terrorize the terrorists). Now that it's out, well, we'll see.
This makes me wonder if they may run into ADA issues here. They definitely will run into ACAA issues, and even with that, they are going to end up with lawsuits slapped against them so fast that "turnaround" to them is going to mean how fast can they turn around to get slapped upside the head with the next lawsuit.
They'll definitely get a drubbing from anyone suing under the ACAA, as it requires the airlines to have accessible restrooms, and this is inaccessible.
They'll definitely get a drubbing from anyone suing under the ACAA, as it requires the airlines to have accessible restrooms, and this is inaccessible.