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Inside the Factory Building the World’s Smallest, Cheapest Private Jet
AFTER MORE THAN a decade in development, Cirrus Aircraft has finally begun delivering its new SF50 Vision Jet to the first of more than 600 customers who’ve queued up for it. The curvy v-tailed airplane is both the smallest and, at $2 million, the most affordable private jet in the world. (Even used Gulfstream jets go for tens of millions of dollars.) ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Such negativity from all you jet jockeys! I fly a 421 for 3 hours at a time, sometimes 4 and have no problems!
So, we update a Heinkel 162 into a passenger jet.....neat idea, but not really your design in basic concept, is it??
Small detail: Cirrus Aircraft is owned by the Chinese Government...
Almost all small aircraft manufacturing is owned by the Chinese 'investors' these days. ;)
This thing is irremediably doomed. How can anyone expect a father of a family shoehorn wife, 3 children and baggage for everyone inside this jet and fly for 3 hours without a pee-pot of some kind. At the first call from Mother Nature the father will have to dive down like the devil to the nearest gas station WC on the ground which means that instead of 3 hours the trip will take 5 hours, all in cramped quarters.
A noise canceling curtain comes with each unit. They are still working on olfactory angles and the disposal
issue. The hope, according to sometimes reliable sources, is that air force buyers will pay for the R&D and redesign and refitting to solve the problem.
issue. The hope, according to sometimes reliable sources, is that air force buyers will pay for the R&D and redesign and refitting to solve the problem.
The Air Force must have plenty of those plastic pee bags after the numerous F-15s and F-16s were sent to Davis-Monthan. Send them a request, it might work.
I was under the impression they use relief tubes.
Those too. I have an idea, why not run some tubes for four males much alike the manifold in an aircraft engine. The ladies will be flown first class commercial. But still there is another substance to manage. No way, I am not going to buy it. Period.