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Aerosucre Boeing 727 crashes in Colombia
An Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727-200, registration HK-4544 performing a freight flight from Puerto Carreno to Bogota (Colombia) with 6 crew, did not become airborne while taking off from Puerto Carrena's runway 25 at 17:20L (23:20Z), broke through the airport perimeter fences, became airborne, lost height again about 3 minutes later, impacted ground ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The leading edge devices do appear to be deployed. Note that the four landing lights in the wings are all visible. If the leading edge devices were not deployed then the outboard lights would be aimed down at the ground and therefore not be nearly as visible.
Very true... I forgot about each Kruger Flap having landing lights.
I also stand corrected..I enhanced the shot from the left side where I thought it was too thin to have slats deployed, but its very visible just as it goes through the fence...unfortunately what was probably the final deciding fate was the loss of the right wing inboard flap
8-knot tail-wind departure, surface temp 30C. Runway is 5906 feet long.
There are other videos that show this aircraft actually got airborne after going through the fence. It couldn't seem to climb very quickly though. Perhaps they lost an engine ingesting fence and trees etc. A tight turn trying to get back to the airport seems to have sealed their fate. The spotters in the videos race to the crash site and find at least one survivor. 5 on board I think.
The turn is because the Right Inner Flap was torn away. Probably because of striking the fences and several small trees.