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Santa Monica Airport Begins Evictions - FAA Warnings Ignored
Two weeks after the FAA reiterated its longstanding and unambiguous view that Santa Monica Municipal Airport must continue operating on “fair and reasonable terms” until 2023 at least, the city issued eviction notices targeting both of the airport’s fixed base operators, Atlantic Aviation and American Flyers. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The people with a stake in the airport need to combine forces and paper the city and commissions with lawsuits praying for monetary and mandamus relief for the unfair and unlawful treatment of those connected to aviation, including what fuel is sold.
They also need to invite the yahoo to appear with his lawyer to explain why he has allowed his tree to grow into the glide slope creating a hazard to navigation. His insurance company should cancel his homeowners policy for maintaining a hazard after the city told him to fix it.
FAA are you listening?
They also need to invite the yahoo to appear with his lawyer to explain why he has allowed his tree to grow into the glide slope creating a hazard to navigation. His insurance company should cancel his homeowners policy for maintaining a hazard after the city told him to fix it.
FAA are you listening?
The attitude is the same one that brings sanctuary cities. The FAA needs to step in immediately and take ownership of the FBO's on a long term agreement to 2023. The Santa Monica crowd could then find themselves in major problem and the FBO operators can be left whole by the "sale agreement".
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Looks like Miggs all over again
The FAA should have the teeth to back up the rules involving acceptance of Federal funds by local municipalities. This is a perfect case to start with.