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Video: Wild Boeing 747-8 Takeoff
It's not unusual for pilots to wave their wings after takeoff on special occasions, but a Boeing 747-8 freighter on a delivery flight from Paine Field recently took the maneuver to a new level when it performed the wave just after the wheels left the pavement. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I fly into PAE about once a month for business. This may be the friendliest, best spotting location in the world for watching heavies. This was shot near the parking lot of the Future of Flight & Boeing Tour building which is right across 16R from the 747/777/787 factory. Unlike nearly every airport where power tripping security guards or police harass photographers and spotters, Boeing and Paine security actually encourage photographers to take pictures. The DreamLifter also parks and unloads 787 parts a few feet from this location. One time a security guard stopped and called me over to his car. I thought 'oh boy here we go', he's going to harass me or tell me to stay away from the fence. Instead he said 'ya know, you can go up stairs and stand on the roof deck of the Future of Flight building to get an unobstructed view of the runway and DreamLifter Ops Center'.
COoL...and very LUCKY !!
Tex Johnston would be proud :-)
Yup.... If that had been Tex Johnston, he would have Rolled it and not just waved his wings... :)
Tex worked for Boeing and he was 'selling airplanes'. These pilots worked for the Cargolux and nobody and no planes were harmed in making this video.