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FAA Chief Randy Babbitt Resigns After Weekend Drunken Driving Arrest

WASHINGTON — Randy Babbitt says he will resign as head of the Federal Aviation Administration following his arrest over the weekend on charges of drunken driving. The 65-year-old Babbitt was arrested Saturday night in Fairfax City, Va., by a patrolman who said the FAA administrator was driving on the wrong side of the road. ( More...

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Well, gentlemen. I gotta do my IAH to LAX. It been fun and especially entertaining. Got a lotta of laughs from everyone.
preacher1 0
Have a good flight
lucasmccain 0
Matter not closed...make sure he doesn't receive a federal pension OR benefits out of this resignation..Babbitt should have never been appointed to this FAA position...he's out of touch with what's going on in the Aviation community and a puppet for the airlines. He's a pilot hater. Enjoy the retirement Babbitt!
Ben Lillie 0
My farewell is: "Goodbye and good riddance"
Marcus Pradel 0
Matter closed, we don't have to beat up on a private citizen working out his personal slip-up.
First off, the guy is charged with this, not convicted. Second, at his age anything could have been going on after a drink or two that wouldn't constitute being drunk as far as blood alcohol content but could cause other problems that mimicked being drunk. No one here knows. The bottom line is the man did the right thing and gave up a life long career for one short moment in time of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I bet 90% of the readers here have driven after drinking enough to get arrested for. How many of you have flown after having one or two for the road (or sky!).We're all guilty of some bad choice we've made at one time or another. Good luck Randy and may you have a good tail wind while going through this ordeal. Good luck.
John Mountz 0
I’ve been a commercial instrument pilot for 45 years. Pilots are cautious by nature. Check the Wx, the plane, gas, oil, fly under the highest level of precision, practice, and maintain currency in every respect. A lot of this carries over to driving. Babbett, who I understand was an outstanding pilot, knows this better than anyone. I challenge any of you so strongly critical of him to match his ability in the air or on the ground. He made a mistake and again took the appropriate, quick, and somewhat courageous action as one would expect from a pilot.
preacher1 0
John: I disagree with you a bit. Pilots ARE naturally cautious. I don't know how good a pilot he was but obviously he had a degree of skill. Your comment about him taking quick action and appropriate action is where I disagree with you. The arrest happened Saturday night. He didn't say squat to nobody on Sunday or Monday morning, took a scheduled check ride on Monday morning and during this time NEVER told his boss, Ray LaHood, who had to find out about it from a police report Monday afternoon, about the time Babbitt was coming back in off his check ride. I doubt he voluntarily gave his resignation. While his record will show that he resigned, I would bet that it was anything but voluntary.
James Gibson 0
You got it right Wayne
kudzubob 0
What a stupid thing to do.....that is about all you can say about it....
Carlos Bea 0
Pileits 0
At least he did the right there by resigning.
john stein 0
Hey Rick, don't forget he was pretty supportive when we organized under ALPA many moons ago. Everyone has some good in their past.
richard weiss 0
Of course, there was something in it for ALPA. I don't anyone who benefited after we went bankrupt. How ya been.
john stein 0
Well, I eventually got some pennies from the bankruptcy court. His group led us through the filing.
richard weiss 0
I got a goose egg.
john stein 0
Rick don't forget he was pretty supportive to us when we were organizing under ALPA many years ago.
richard weiss 0
As a matter of personal thought, I'm rather happy to see Babbit go down in flames. ALPA, under his leadership, fought tooth and nail to keep the Age 60 rule in place. Overwhelming evidence indicated, it was wrong, but he and his buddies did for financial reasons. It cost me my career. Now, I'm taking joy in watching him fall out of the ski in small chunks. Just remember Randy, there's plenty of us out here that won't even pee on the fire when you hit the ground.
I didn't know he was a skier, probably skied drunk too, right?
richard weiss 0
sky. okay I missed that
Couldn't resist it
Ronald Gilmore 0
Probaly the most qualified, and effective FAA administrator in years! I wish him all of the luck in dealing with this issue!
I quit drinking som 18 years ago! The best thing I ever did for myself, and the rest of the world!
Ronald Gilmore 0
Probably the most qualified and effective FAA administrator in my lifetime! 71 years, 51
as a pilot! ATP!
I wish him luck in the future dealing with his issues!
I quit drinking 18 years ago! The best thing, I ever did for myself, and the rest of the world!
Godspeed Randy! And thank you for all that you have down for this pilot, and aviation in general!
You're right, some may have had issues with him, but he did more than anyone else in that position. There has to be more to the story of the people who have issues with him. The man can't wave a magic wand and make everything better, but he did work on some issues. Wishing him the worst when he's down is just moronic!

richard weiss 0
If Babbit had cost you a million dollars, you might feel the same way. To characterize that as moronic is, well moronic.
If he's still drinking, I'd buy him a beer just for screwing you out of your million dollars. Are you one of those guys that want to work right to the end, leaving 121 and then hogging a corporate job that a next generation pilot could take???
preacher1 0
Well, I flew 135 most of my life and even though the age 60 rule was thrown out before I hung it up, I had already made plans to go. Had it been reveresed earlier, I might have changed those plans. Sorry THRUSTT, but I would have stayed on much longer too. Thats why I'm still doing fill in and staying current, I guess it's cause the younger guys don't want to work.
richard weiss 0
I guess THRUSTT wants to spread the wealth around, as long we don't spread his wealth around.
richard weiss 0
You seem to know a lot about me. Have we met? Why don't you post your real name, rather than hide in the weeds and throw grenades
preacher1 0
Romans 12:19 - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Take it for what it's worth
Ben Lillie 0
Proverbs 20:1 - Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging. Whoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

How about you take THAT for what it's worth.
richard weiss 0
So Wayne, are you saying that Babbit is reaping the reward for what he did to guys like me?
preacher1 0
Take it any way you want to my friend. I have a lot of folks I have forgiven but I don't have to have tea with.
Tea or beer?
CaptStephanC 0
No, no pass! Pontificating, egotistical, jerk.......People in these positions (read government, FAA Administrator, ALPA President, or whatever) are supposed to be leading, setting positive examples, and not getting private life f__k-up passes, because of whatever personal reasons..........Don't take the position, if you can't do the job!.....They are supposed to be representing the "PEOPLE" that are relying on their all levels......we are paying their salaries....get it right, or get out........if it were you, or me, we would absolutely be having the crap being beat out of us by the local Gestapo, and judicial system!...........I am sorry, no pity what-so-ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don Imus 0
"Egotistical jerk" really CAPTAIN Stevo? What are you a captain of? You a recent LSA guy? Guys like you give pilots (if you are indeed one) a bad name. The rage of a boozer yourself. You are a nut job. We will learn of your identity one day when you go postal. Chill out my man. Life better that way.
preacher1 0
Well, while there have been some less than favorable comments here, he is the only one carrying on such a rant. I guess he has seen these as he has said nothing else. Everyone will have their own opinion of Mr. Babbitt, but at least they have been halfway civil.Maybe he is that SWA Captain that ran his mouth with an open mic a few months back.LOL
preacher1 0
Has anybody made the reference to your photo on your profile and the one of Mr. Babbitt shown in this article?
indy2001 0
I would bet that you don't know a d*mned thing about the man, and yet you're ranting about him as if you are so superior to him. Just because a person works for the government doesn't mean he doesn't have human weaknesses and foibles. The kind of attitude that you display is what he probably had to deal with every day. Pilots aren't especially known for being humble, you know. No wonder the guy took to drinking.
atlwatchdog 0
Stephan, between this and your other post regarding the same subject it concerns me with the way you rant that you hold an ATP. You're taking this someone personal, as I stated before. My suggestion to you is chill out and move on.

What's done is done. If you're so bent on how things are so wrong, then give up flying and become an advocate.

Either way, it still concerns me that you hold an ATP. I hope you're retired.
preacher1 0
Stephan: Not at all right, but there probably aren't many of us in the last 20 or 30 years, haven't hit a local watering hole of some kind on the way home, after a long flight.We just didn't get caught. We best take a real hard look at ourselves before condemning another. If you are able to do this and still maintain your feelings as above, then I congratulate you. If you find a few mistakes of your own in the past, you need to reconsider your statement above. I can't see where he got a pass other than being released on PR rather a bond, and that is not uncommon at all.
CaptStephanC 0
ABSOLUTELY NOT, on the watering hole B/S......Wayne, that is a stupid statement to make. And then cogratulating yourself for not getting caught......What an incredible Badge of Honor to be able to put on your chest.......And could I possibly presume you did this with other pilot buddies that were of the same opinion?......If so, this is really sad......You could have killed somebody!.....And it is not OK........Several others have made the same implied comment about having done this. No.....once again "No Pass"........And I will "rant" if I wish to, on things like this. My point originally was about work and rest on the job, issues never taken care of on his watch, either at ALPA, or as Administrator, and that I thought there should be "No Pass" on this safety issue with the position that he held. Resigned? I am sure it was probably something more like, "I want your Resignation" on my desk 10 minutes ago!

And then, of course, as Richard Weiss pointed out......the whole age "60" issue. A whole lot of us wanted to keep on flying, and not be forced into retirement by the government. Supreme Court Justices forever? No old age requirements in Congress, let alone any moral character.

And good old Watch Dog, and Don Imus.......Don't worry about my ATP, or Captain positions.......I've been there, done that, and moved on......Never bent any metal, and no violations, accidents, or incidents........and, sorry, I am not a boozer, and going "postal"?......You are the two that need to "Chill Out".
preacher1 0
This doesn't really bear a response but I will just say that I quit drinking in '83 when the Lord came along. No, in hindsight, it was not a good thing to do, just like a lot of other things. Your style or rant is your right, just as it it ours to express another opinion. As far as your last statement here, you say that your point was about ALPA and all that but you definitely got off track. In your original comment, you really made no mention of that, getting more on the DUI charge, and personalities,which is probably what prompted most of these remarks.
He was not perfect. He did some good, but not enough to please everyone. That is obvious.
Cal Keegan 0
@Wayne: Your point is well-taken, that many of us, probably most people who drink, have at one time or another driven when over the legal limit. In this case he was driving on the wrong side of a four-lane road, which probably means he didn't blow a .09 or something.

When the story originally broke I felt pretty cynical and that he'd get to keep his job and his ticket... I was wrong and now I feel kind of sorry for him.

I can also get why LaHood is mad about finding out about the arrest 36 hours after it happened by reading a police press release... and it tempers my feeling sorry for Babbitt because it seems like he was hoping it wasn't going to come to light.
preacher1 0
Well, I am kinda like you. This story is saying he resigned, but I kinda feel like LaHood just offered him the chance to resign rather than fire him. I'd have been mad too finding out about it from the public rather than directly. At least he is gone and whether he did it voluntarily or forced, he stepped down, and that is a good thing. Had he not, then the venom spewed above might be more justified. He's not the first one that alchol and power have got to up there.
Paul Claxon 0
You must be a complete jerk. I sure wouldn't fly right seat with you, turkey, but that's probably where you sit.
or in the jump seat
CaptStephanC 0
airclaxon1, you are a loud blast......I would not have you in my right, in the right seat? for thirty years........and the other first five years, it was either single seat F-105's, or front seat, F-4C's..........I'm happy with where I about you?
F4-Cs. . . . . . . you're an old geezer, aren't you?
preacher1 0
Now let's go lightly on that OLD part Thomas. Those were still around in the early 70's.LOL
Driving drunk was the wrong thing to do. Taking personal responsibility and resigning the high government leadership post that is all about safety was the right thing to do.


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